
Jumanne James


A dissertation submitted in partial/fulfilment of the Requirements for Award of the Bachelor Degree of in Public Administration in Records and Archives Management (BPA-RAM) of Mzumbe University.




We, the undersigned, certify that we have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by the Mzumbe University, a dissertation entitled Vital records protection in public offices for the continuity of services and business operations in Tanzania in partial/fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the of Bachelor degree of Public Administration in Records and Archives Management of Mzumbe University.


Hamis Kiyabo



Major supervisor




Internal Examiner                                                                               








Accepted for the board of School of Public Administration and Management








I, Jumanne James, declare that this dissertation is my own original work and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other university for a similar or any other degree award.



Signature ___________________________


Date      ___________________________











This research report is a copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the Copyright Act 1999 and other international and national enactments, in that behalf, on intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means in full or in part, except for short extracts in fair dealings, for research or private study, critical scholarly review or discourse with an acknowledgement, without the written permission of Mzumbe University, on behalf of the author.


This work is dedicated to my Parents including my father and mother: Mr. James William & Mrs. Raheli Kajala, My uncle and Aunt: Mr. Ezekiel Mgolola & Mrs. Agnes Kisinza, and my research Supervisor Mr. Hamis Kiyabo.


























This work has been achieved through the contributions of many people, firstly I extend my earnest gratitude to my God for the supernatural power surrounded me to achieve this work.

I extend my acknowledgement to my research supervisor Mr. Hamis K. Kiyabo for his endless supervision until the completion of this study. I also acknowledge the lecturers from Mzumbe university belonging to the school of public administration and management for their guidance as well as support.

I also acknowledge my family members including my father and mother: Mr. James William & Mrs. Raheli Kajala, My uncle and Aunt: Mr. Ezekiel Mgolola & Mrs. Agnes Kisinza. Special gratitude to be extended to the Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF) headquarter for their wonderful cooperation and support within the entire time of data collection as they offered a consent for the data to be collected from their offices to achieve this study.

Thanks to all members whom in direct or indirect way facilitated the completion of this study.
















PSSSF             Public Service Social Security Fund

TAHO             Tasmania Archive and Heritage Office

PO-PSM          President’s Office- Public Service Management

US                   United States

RAM               Records and Archives Management

RAMD            Records and Archives Management Department

RAMP             Records and Archives Management Policy

ACOG            American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist

CNAATD       Catalonia National Committee of Records Access Appraisal and Disposition.

USAID           United States Aid



















Ensuring better vital records protection is very crucial to any public organizations because vital records are necessary for the organization to revamp its normal operations after a disaster. The study aimed to find out on how the vital records protection has been done in public offices for the continuity of services and business operations in Tanzania. A case of Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF) Dodoma City.

The specific objectives of the study were to find out if the government has approved any vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices, to find out if the public offices are managing and implementing the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government, to determine if the public offices are insuring that their vital records and business recovery plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software and procedure manual to facilitate access and use of vital records.

The study applied a case study design to enable a researcher to make an examination closely about the data of a context by which a researcher chosen a small or modest geographical unit and used it as the subject for the research study. A sample selected was 30 out of 60 as total population of the organization where the purposive sampling and simple random sampling method were applied to select a sample. Data collection was done through interview, questionnaire and observation method to obtain the most relevant and accurate data and they were analyzed through both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis

On the basis of the findings, the government approves the vital records and business recovery plans for the PSSSF to promote the vital records protection, the PSSSF has been considering the standards and guidelines issued by the government in implementing the vital records and business recovery plans and managing the vital records, at the PSSSF there is an inclusion of the provision of any necessary hardware, software and procedure manual in their vital records recovery plans to facilitate access and use of records.

The study concluded that the NRAMP of 2011 has been put into practice towards vital records protection at the PSSSF although various hurdles face its implementation which the study provides recommendations to deal with them.

The study recommends that the top managers in the public organizations should train all of their employees about the importance of records management, also the records management staff members should be receiving a regular training about their profession.





AND.. iv











1.1.       Introduction. 1

1.2.       Definition of terms which will be used frequently. 1

1.3.       Background to the problem.. 3

1.4.       Statement of the problem.. 6

1.6.       Research questions. 7

1.7.       Significance of the study. 8

1.9.       Limitation and delimitation of the study. 8



2.1.       Introduction. 10

2.2.       Theoretical literature review. 10

2.3.       Theoretical framework for this study. 13

2.5.       Research gap. 19

2.6.       Conceptual framework. 19



3.1.       Introduction. 21

3.2.       Research design. 21

3.4.       Population of the study. 22

3.5.       Sample, sample size and sampling methods. 23

3.6.       Data collection methods. 27

3.6.2.       Quantitative data collection methods. 29

3.7.       Data collection tools. 30

3.8.       Data presentation and analysis. 32



4.1.       Introduction. 35



5.2.       Summary of the study’s method and procedures. 51

5.3.       Summary of the findings. 51

5.4.       Conclusion. 53

5.5.       Recommendations. 53

5.6.       Suggestions of the areas for further study. 54



















Table 3.1. Accessible population of the study. 23

Table 3.2. Sample size division. 24

Table 4.1. Biographic data of the respondents. 33

Table 4.2. Standards and guidelines issued by the government existing at the PSSSF. 53

Table 4.3. presents the data on the standards and guidelines consideration. 54

Table 4.4. Ways of implementing the standards and guidelines issued by the government 54

Table 4.5. Presents the data collected through questionnaire. 57

Table 4.6. Researcher’s observation Checklist 58

















Figure 2.1.The records continuum model 15

Figure 2.2. The records life cycle model

Figure 2.3. The conceptual framework of the study. 20

Figure 4.1. Approval of the vital records recovery plans. 36

Figure 4.2. Recovery plans approved by the government 36

Figure 4.3. Presence of standards and guidelines issued by government 41












This chapter has been designed to cover the definition of terms which appeared most frequently, background to the problem, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study, delimitation of the study and ethical considerations.

1.2.Definition of terms which will be used frequently

The terminologies which required to be defined very clearly in this study include the records, theory, vital records, vital records protection, public offices, policy and the implementation. These terms are defined properly as follows.

Record, is an electronic or paper document that is generated, received, and preserved to document organizations’ transactions or serve as the evidence of business transactions (Western University, 2020). Records include invoices, maps, minutes and vouchers of travel. They are the information kept in any media like data bases, papers, spreadsheets, and words documents (Western University, 2020).

 Vital record, Vital records are the records which without them the organization cannot perform its operations and they cannot be replaced easily and they require significant resources for them to be recreated (Tasmania Archive and Heritage Office (TAHO), 2020). Vital records contain the crucial details necessary to revamp the organization’s normal operations after a disaster or another event that may end up destroying the records, these include information like the information concerning the organization’s core business operations, information about preparing and responding to an emergency, information about the organization’s financial and legal rights as well as the information about customer’s legal and financial rights (TAHO, 2020).

Vital records protection, vital records protection refers to a plan that recognizes and protects those records containing the vital details which are crucial for an enterprise to continue with its key operations and activities in case of emergency or disaster like the earth quake, firebreak, floods and others (University of Missouri, 2020). It is the process of protecting vital records against fire, floods, firebreak, and earthquake.

A policy is the guidance for doing an action. Therefore, policy implementation is the process of putting the policy’s goals, objectives and statements into actions or practice (Khan 2016). Therefore, implementation of National Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 is the process of putting this policy into practices in the records and archives management offices or organization in the public offices. The NRAMP should be implemented towards vital records protection in the public organizations through implementing its policy statements towards protection of vital records which require the government to approve vital records and business-recovery plans for the public organizations; the public offices to manage and implement vital records and business recovery plans according to standards and guidelines issued by the government; the public offices to ensure that the vital records and business- recovery plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software and procedure manuals to enable the records to be accessed and read.

 Theory in social science research can be defined as the mental picture that is constructed for a research problem (Turner, et al. 2018).

Public offices, by taking the concept of public organizations, the term public offices refer to the publicly and government owned and controlled offices which offer services to the public like the hospitals, records centers, public registries, public universities and others (Institute of Internal Auditors, 2011). The public offices include the international partnerships offices, national regional and local owned offices like municipals (Horne. S, & Turner. B, 2011).










1.3.Background to the problem

The origin of vital records protection can be traced far back around 1854 in the Register house of Edinburgh where they were called vital statistics by the James Stack (Blumberg, et al., 2012). Nowadays in both the government and non-government organizations and institutions, the term vital statistics has changed the name to vital records which has become applicable not only in the context of statistics registration systems but also in the organizations, it means the records which the organizations need to have in order to recover their normal operations in the event of disasters which ends in destroying all other records (Iron Mountain, 2020). These records include the contracts, leases, policy manuals, and quality assurance records, financial records and legal records (Iron Mountain, 2020).  Regarding the importance of vital records in the world as they are needed to restructure the organizations after the disaster which ends up on destroying all other records, the idea about protecting them became the central one in every organization’s records management in the world (Jaderstrom, Kruk & Miller, 2005). Various efforts have been undertaken in the world to enforce vital records protection including the innovation and advancement of the fire resistant cabinets which were firstly innovated in 1818 in the United Kingdom to protect the vital records against fire, establishment of various frameworks, standards and guidelines like policies and Acts for vital records protection in the world, development of the online storage to protect vital records, establishment of vital records programs, and the establishment of the professions to train elites on how to protect vital records as well as the International standards for records management known as International Standards Organization (ISO 15489) and the International Records Management Trust (Jaderstrom Kruk & Miller). However, the vital records protection is still poor in most parts of the world due to the fact that the vital documents still go missing every day due to misfiling and sometimes they are forever lost in towns and cities the loss of documents hinders the ability of the organization to revamp its normal operations in case of emergency, also the issue of security of vital records is still a challenge because most of the organizations are still getting difficulty to maintain the vital records’ confidentiality (Pagliaro, 2012). Hence, vital records protection becomes unable to yield the expected better results to the organizations in the world.

The African continent as part of this world is also owning its own history of vital records protection, the origin of vital records in Africa can be traced far back in the late 19th C and early 20th century when they were referred to as the Genealogy, genealogy implies the records maintained at the local level (Pagliaro, 2012). The genealogy included the records of birth, records of marriage, records of deaths, records of the family history and others (Pagliaro, 2012). The vital records also gained popularity after the end of colonialism when the decolonized African governments obtained the very critical information concerning their territories which were left by colonialists after independence, the need of the African Governments to protect more their national critical information from being lost, various vital records sections were initiated secretly to protect those vital records and this became the custom of every African governments to protect its own vital records related to the Nation (Pagliaro, 2012).  Various efforts have been undertaken to improve vital records protection in Africa including the introduction of various standards, procedures, policies and guidelines to promote vital records protection including the policies like the National records management policy existing in Tanzania, and the Records Management Acts (Pagliaro, 2012). However, the vital records protection is still poor in most African countries because the vital records are still lost every day due to misfiling and poor storage as well as poor handling, the loss of documents hinders the ability of the African organizations to revamp their normal operations in case of disasters, the poor vital records protection is the result of the challenges like the issue of inadequate knowledge on managing electronic vital records because most of the Records staffs are still getting difficulty to cope with technological change in managing vital records, costs of management and protection, and the poor policies to enforce vital records protection (Pagliaro, 2012). Hence, the vital records protection becomes unable to yield the admired fruits towards the continuity of business operations and service delivery in the public service.

By considering the context of Tanzania which is located in the eastern part of Africa, the government has been undertaking various efforts towards the protection of vital records, it is believed that for the organizations to sustain their operations in Tanzania they should not ignore the protection of vital records (PO-PSM, 2011). Regarding the importance of the vital records for the continuity of business operations and service delivery in Tanzania, the government has made various efforts to promote the vital records protection, according to Mohamed, (2018) the major effort made by the government to enforce protection of vital records in Tanzania was the inclusion of the vital records protection into the National Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011. However, the vital records protection is still poor in Tanzania since the vital records are still lost every day due to misfiling, the weak records’ office environment and setting, misfiling the documents, and the insufficient electronic systems to manage the electronic records. Hence, the National Records and Archives Management Policy becomes unable to bring improvements on the vital records protection in Tanzania.

With regard to the major effort made by the government towards protection of vital records in Tanzanian public offices, the public organizations should comply to the established National Records and Archives Management Policy issued in 2011 towards protecting vital records. One of the objectives of this policy towards vital records is to ensure that the vital records are properly protected against fire, flood, theft, technical failure, breach of security and loss and developing business recovery plans to protect and recover vital records in the event of disaster for the continuity of key services delivery. In order to achieve this objective, there are policy statements towards protection of vital records which require the government to approve vital records and business-recovery plans for the public organizations; the public offices to manage and implement vital records and business recovery plans according to standards and guidelines issued by the government; the public offices to ensure that the vital records and business- recovery plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software and procedure manuals to enable the records to be accessed and read (PO-PSM, 2011). Currently, the public organizations in Tanzania are still unable to revamp their key services delivery and operations due to the loss of records through fire, flood, theft, technical failure, breach of security and loss (Mohamed, 2018). Hence, this invites to find out the implementation of the NRAMP of 2011 towards vital records protection in public offices. There are many empirical research studies already done by different scholars concerning the vital records including the research study done by Kanuti, (2014), the study done by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in September 2015, the study done by Miquel Serra Fernandez in 2009, lastly, the study done by Kimario, (2014). Despite the fact that various research studies have already been conducted on the vital records protection, the research gap was realized from the existing knowledge because most of empirical researches have explained about other topics related to protecting vital records but they lacked documentation about how the National Archives and Records Management Policy of 2011 has been implemented by public organization on protecting vital records for the continuity of business operations and service delivery in Tanzania. So, this research study went to fill this gap through studying on how the National Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 is being followed or implemented in Tanzanian public offices to protect their vital records to attain the continuity of business operations and the key services operations.


1.4.Statement of the problem

Various reasonable efforts have been undertaken globally to enforce vital records protection including the innovation and advancement of the fire resistant cabinets which were firstly innovated in 1818 in the United Kingdom to protect the vital records against fire, establishment of various frameworks, standards and guidelines like policies and Acts for vital records protection in the world, development of the online storage to protect vital records, establishment of vital records programs, and the establishment of the professions to train elites on how to protect vital records as well as the International standards for records management known as International Standards Organization (ISO 15489) and the International Records Management Trust (Jaderstrom Kruk & Miller).  Various efforts have been undertaken in Africa to improve vital records protection including the introduction of various standards, procedures and guidelines to promote vital records protection like the policies like the National records management policy existing in Tanzania, and the Records Management Acts as well as guidelines and procedures (Pagliaro, 2012). Regarding the importance of the vital records for the continuity of business operations and service delivery in Tanzania, the government has made various efforts to promote the vital records protection, according to Mohamed, (2018) the major effort made by the government to enforce protection of vital records in Tanzania was the inclusion of the vital records protection into the National Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011.

Despite the efforts made globally, still poor vital records protection has continued to prevail in the world since 1970s, the launched systems for vital records registration in the world were in greater variation from good quality to poor quality among the developed countries and the developing countries, the variations were the result of the several barriers for improving the vital records registrations system including the absence of laws to bring autonomy to the central authorities concerned with registration (Blumberg, et al 2012). Poor vital records protection has also continued to be a problem in Africa since early days of African independence, the vital records are still lost every day due to misfiling, poor storage, poor handling, inadequate knowledge on managing electronic vital records, and huge costs of management and protection (Pagliaro, 2012). Despite the efforts made by Tanzanian government, poor vital records protection has continued to prevail, the public organizations in Tanzania are still unable to revamp their key services delivery and operations due to the loss of records through fire, flood, theft, technical failure, breach of security and loss (Mohamed, 2018).

The vital records protection has failed to bring the desired results in the World, Africa and Tanzania at all, many empirical research studies have been done by different scholars concerning vital records protection including the study done by Kanuti in 2014, the study done by ACOG in 2015 and the study done Kimario in 2014 as the efforts to find the ways to solve the problems on vital records protection, but these studies failed to indicate how the vital records protection is done in public offices for the continuity of services and business operations in Tanzania, this invited this study to find out on how the vital records protection has been done in the public offices particularly at the PSSSF for the continuity of services and business operations in order to fill this knowledge gap.

1.5.Objectives of the Study

1.5.1.      General objective

The main objective of this study was to find out on how the vital records protection has been done in public offices for the continuity of services and business operations in Tanzania.

1.5.2.      Specific objectives

i)                    To find out   if the government has approved any vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices.

ii)                  To find out if the public offices are managing and implementing the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government.

iii)                To find out if the public offices are ensuring that their vital records and business recovery plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software and the procedure manuals to facilitate the records access and use.

1.6.Research questions

i.                    Does the government approve the vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices?

ii.                  How do the public offices manage and implement the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government?

iii.                Do the public offices ensure that there is an inclusion of provision of any necessary hardware, software and the procedure manuals into their vital records and business recovery plans to facilitate the records’ access and use?

1.7.Significance of the study

It was the expectation of the researcher that this study will help the government and other scholars to get the valuable information about how the public offices are implementing the policy towards protection of their vital records which will help in making decisions towards promoting effective protection of vital records in the public offices. The results from this study added knowledge to the researcher as he got to know about how the public offices are striving to implement the records and archives management policy of 2011 in protecting their vital records.

This study’s report becomes a literature review to other researchers who will be carrying out researches on the related topic concerning the implementation of the Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 in public offices, so this study is significant. Also the study has brought an information to other scholars to know if the government approves the vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices, the public offices are managing and implementing the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government and if the public offices are ensuring that their vital records and business plans are including the provision of any necessary hardware, software and the procedure manuals to facilitate the records access and use.

1.8. Scope of study

This study has covered the investigation on the government approval of vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices, determination if the public offices are managing and implementing the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government, and if the public offices are ensuring that their vital records and business recovery plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software and the procedure manuals to facilitate the records access and use.

1.9.Limitation and delimitation of the study

This study experienced the various limitations including unwillingness of the respondents to fill the questionnaires, unwillingness of the respondents to pay attention on interview questions and lack of awareness about vital records protection to the respondents. To solve those limitations of the study the researcher used of observation method where necessary to cope with the unwillingness of the respondents to provide data, a researcher explained clearly to the respondents about the concept of vital records protection to make them aware with vital records protection, and lastly the researcher used of questionnaire method where interview methods failed

1.10.        Ethical considerations

A researcher considered all ethical issues from topic selection until the completion of this study, the ethical issues considered include an informed consent to the respondents before data collection, maintaining privacy of the respondents through using anonymous names, respect to the respondents and others.





















This chapter was tailored properly in a manner that brought a combination of the already existing researches or knowledge about the vital records protection. The review of literature included two forms. The first was theoretical review and the second is an empirical review (Turner, et al., 2018). Theoretical literature review is the part of literature review that aims to concretely explain about the collection of the theoretical ideas which have been accumulated regarding the problem under investigation or phenomena (Turner, et al., 2018). Empirical review refers to the researches done by various researchers about your topic or other people’s or scholars researches that resemble to your research topic, the names of those researchers should be attached to their findings (Imperial Writers, 2017).

2.2.Theoretical literature review.

Theoretical literature review is very important as it makes the researcher know about what theories are already available and the researches done over the theories and the tested relationship among them (Turner, et al., 2018). For the researcher to conduct the theoretical review he/she is required to show theories supporting the study and it is necessary to give reasons on the use of those theories in the study. So, regarding this research study there are many ideas and theories related to the vital records protection reviewed from different sources of different authors. So, the theoretical review for this study was organized in form of theoretical ideas highlighted from different sources and the theory which was sought to be useful for this study:

2.2.1.      Meaning and Concepts of records, and vital records

Record has been defined by various authors but most of meanings share the same content, according to Western University, (2020) record is an electronic or paper document that is generated, received and preserved that documents the organizations’ transactions as well as functions during its legal obligations or serve as the evidence of business transactions. Records include the invoices, maps, minutes and vouchers of travel. They are the information kept in any media like data bases, papers, spreadsheets, and words documents (Western University, 2020). Another term is vital record, Vital records are the records which without them the organization cannot be able to continue its operations and they cannot be replaced easily and they require significant resources for them to be recreated (Tasmania Archive and Heritage Office (TAHO), 2020). Vital records contain the crucial details necessary to revamp the organization’s normal operations after a disaster or another event that may end up destroying the records, this include information like the information concerning the organization’s core business operations, information about preparing and responding to an emergency, information about the organization’s financial and legal rights as well as the information about customer’s legal and financial rights (TAHO, 2020).

2.2.2.      Protecting vital records from the unfavorable situation and environments

According to Deputy Governor’s Office, (2005) vital records need to be free from unfavorable environments including earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, as well as floods. Also, vital records should be protected against various forms of disasters which are man-made like accidents, thefts as well as the common unfavorable environment situations like the presence of dusts, spotlight, insects, uncontrolled temperature and humidity which may alter the rate of vital records destruction in public offices (Deputy Governor’s Office, 2005). The vital records protection should be the primary responsibility of the head of departments where the records maintenance takes place, order to achieve the vital records protection, it is better to call upon the Archives and records Management Program staff who can play a pivotal role in identifying vital records and planning to protect them (Deputy Governor’s Office, 2005).

2.2.3.      Vital records schedule for vital records identification in an organization.

According to the Deputy Governor’s Office (2005) in any company/organization there should be a vital records schedule which is useful for assisting in the identification of the vital records within the department and the way they are to be protected. The copy of the vital records schedule should be given to the officer who is a chief records manager for the review as well as approval in consultation with archivist, every department’s section should have a copy of vital records schedule retained in it (Deputy Governor’s Office 2005).

2.2.4.      Methods of vital records protection.

According to the Deputy Governor’s Office (2005) once the vital records have been identified the practical steps to protect them should be undertaken, there are three major ways of protecting vital records which include; the duplication and dispersal method which involves a production of backup copies once the records are generated or through a scheduled periodical records production and when the duplicate copies have been produced they have to be stored in the offsite storage, the inside storage and vaulting and the last one is the maintaining vital records in the remote storage and vaulting.

According to SOAS   University of London (2020) to ensure protection of vital records the first thing is for them to be identified and then be protected either electronically or in hard-copy form. When the vital electronic records have been identified they should be protected through storing them into servers, securing them through creation of backups and recovery from disasters, the vital electronic records should be protected by not being kept in the easily carried hardware like the USBs, CD and DVD because they can be lost or stolen easily with vital electronic records and lastly the long term value vital electronic records should be kept by using the readable formats like the portable document format (PDF), plain text and rich text formats, also on the side of hard copy vital records, the SOAS University of London, (2020) suggests that they should be protected through scanning and saving them into electronic form, storing them offsite, storing them in another building and the use of fire protection safes to secure the document.

2.2.5.      Disaster preparedness and recovery towards protection of vital records

To promote the vital records protection there must the presence of the disaster preparedness and recovery plan in any public office (Deputy Governor’s Office, 2005). The Heads of Records and Archives Management Department are responsible for undertaking the precautionary measures towards vital records to protect them from the loss and damage in the event of disasters (Deputy Governor’s Office, 2005). The heads of department should designate the Records Officers and others to see and ensure that the precautionary procedures are being implemented well in every department/ unit (Deputy Governor’s Office, 2005).

According to the United States (U.S) Department of Energy, (2011) vital records are needed to bring support for the organization’s activities as well as responsibilities during and after the event or occasion that significantly interrupts the normal activities like the natural disasters. Vital records should be identified and protected by implementing the records disaster reduction and recovery plan to bring an insurance against disturbance to the organization’s operations (U.S Department of Energy, 2011).

2.2.6.      Protection of vital records in public offices for the continuity of business operations and service delivery.

Vital records protection refers to plan that recognizes and protects those records containing the vital details which are crucial for an enterprise to continue with its key operations and activities in case of emergency or disaster like the earth quake, firebreak, floods and others (University of Missouri, 2020).

According to PO-PSM, (2011) the National Archives and Records Management Policy of 2011 enforces public organizations to ensure protection of vital records for the continuity of key services provision and   business operations as one of its objectives. According to the PO-PSM, (2011) in the National Archives and Records Management Policy there are policy statements included to guide the public offices on various practices to protect vital records for the continuity of business operations and service delivery, the policy statements towards protection of vital records clearly stipulate that the government must approve the vital records and recovery plans for public organization’s offices. The public office must manage and implement vital records and business recovery plans according to standards and guidelines issued by the government; and the last policy statement towards the protection of vital records is that public offices has to ensure that the vital records and business recovery plans including the provision of any necessary hardware, software and procedure manuals to enable the records to be reachable and read.

According to the United States department of Energy, (2011) every vital records program must include the following: recognizing, securing regulating access, retrieval of information and making sure that records and other systems of information are available, initiating and retaining vital records complete lists (inventory), the complete list system should include electronic and hardcopy records, continuous appraisal of vital records especially with an annual review as well as maintaining and storing vital records.  In order to protect vital records or in order to implement the vital records program in the organizations the methods like bringing into existence unique duplicate copies in separate location, storing the source records which may be used to recover the vital records, preserving vital records in special items or equipment like safes, vaults or fire resistant-equipment should be done to protect the vital records for continuity of business operations (US Department of Energy, 2011).

Despite the fact that these theoretical ideas from various authors have suggested the best practices to be done in the field of records management to ensure that vital records are well protected and their management is done effectively to ensure that the business and service delivery are sustained in various companies or organizations but there is no adequate documentation to show how those theories are being implemented practically in protecting the vital records in public offices.

2.3.Theoretical framework for this study

Theoretical framework is the part of literature review which describes the path of the study and the grounds in which the study is theoretically built (Adom, 2018). The theoretical framework can be defined as the guidance of the research study based on the research problem or enquiry’s field which has close relation to the hypothesis of the study (Adom, 2018). There are many theories applicable in records management including the records continuum model, International Council on Archives (ICA), Electronic records guideline, the National archives (TNA) 2005 model, and the design and implementation of records keeping system (DIRKS) model. Regarding this study, a researcher discussed the records continuum model and the life cycle model as follows:

2.3.1.      Records life cycle model

According to Kemon, (2008) the development and application of the records and life cycle theory in the records and archives management is the matter that needs to be discussed. The life cycle theory originated from the United States of America after the end of the first world war by the National Archives and Records Management administration (Kemon, 2008). The life cycle theory passes through three main stages which are: creation of records, semi active stage of records and the inactive records stage (Kemoni, 2008). This theory is weak as it is not fully applicable in managing the electronic records, it is only useful for paper records management (Kemoni, 2008). This theory was applicable to this study because this study is also concerned with vital paper records protection.

Active stage: Records are received or created

Semi active stage

Records are stored for retention

Non-Active stage

Long-term value records are arranged and stored permanently

Non-active stage

Non-long-term value records are reported and approved for destruction

Records are destroyed in a confidential manner

Records destruction must be done within one year















Figure 2.2. The records life cycle model

Source: Research data, 2021

By considering the diagram above, for the organizations to achieve the better vital records protection, the vital records protection activities should be done at every stage of the life of records. This imply that the vital records should be protected at the active stage where they are created and used frequently, but also they should be protected at the semi-active stage where they not frequently used but they are still retained in the creator, also they should be protected at the non-active stage where they are either transferred for permanent storage or destroyed. By doing so, will help the organization to have better vital records management and protection.

2.3.2.      Records continuum model

In support with a major reason that, the continuum model is suitable for the research studies which are dealing with the management of electronic or paper records and archives, rather than life cycle model which is only useful for management of paper records only, the continuum model was sought to be suitable to this study because this study dealt with both paper and electronic vital records protection for the continuity of service delivery and business operations in Tanzania. The public organizations must follow the continuum model when protecting their vital records in either electronic or paper formats to attain continuity of services and business operations. The concept of records continuum model has been explained below as follows:

This model emerged after the weakness of the life cycle theory. The continuum Model became globally accepted to be useful because it is applicable for the paper or electronic records and archives management which is impossible when using the lifecycle model because the life cycle model is useful in managing the records or archives which are in paper form only (Kemoni, 2008). Therefore, the continuum model become more suitable for the research studies which are dealing with the management of electronic or paper records and archives (Kemon, 2008). The continuum model is composed of four major stages which includes the creation stage which the records are generated, capturing stage by which the records are documented, organizing stage where the records are classified, and pluralizing of information which involves making them accessible for use (Kemon, 2008).

With the continuum model, the records and archives managers should be very involved in every stage when managing and protecting vital records and archives under the continuum model to achieve the continuity of services and business operations. So, researcher explored if the public organizations are protecting the vital records throughout the continuum model. Consider the figure below to show the records continuum model.

Figure 2.1. The records continuum model

Source: Svad, (2013)

2.4.Empirical review

The aim of this section was to make a review on the available empirical researches related to this research study’s topic. There are many empirical research studies already done by different scholars concerning the vital records, this made easy to review their research reports and make an analysis of those research reports to obtain the missing knowledge by which this study was going to add as an advantage over the existing research reports of researches done by other researchers, the following were the empirical research studies already done concerning the vital records:  

The research study done by Kanuti, (2014) titled as the protection of vital records in relation to continued service delivery in public service based on the challenges of protecting vital records in relation to service delivery in public sector, the study had the specific objectives of investigating to know the hurdles which face the protection of vital records in the public offices and to obtain the suggestions of measures to address these challenges. The study used questionnaire method and interview method to collect data. The study’s findings revealed that the protection of vital records in public sector is experiencing a lot of challenges including the weak records’ office environment and setting, misfiling the documents and the last is insufficient of electronic systems to manage the electronic records. The study concluded that the attainment of better vital records protection in public sectors is very challenging due to the presence of several challenges by which the reasonable efforts should be undertaken to address those challenges, to address those challenges the study recommended various reasonable efforts like provision of trainings to the records staffs, improving the office environments for records management, and adopting electronic systems for records management.  However, the study was too general as it did not consider to find out how the vital records are being managed and protected according to the Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 in the public offices for the continuity of their operations and service delivery in Tanzania.

The study done by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in September 2015 titled as the importance of vital records and statistics for the Gynecologists. This study had one specific objective of finding out the importance of the vital records’ details in public health service provisions and the efforts needed to protect vital records system in health sector. The study used interview method only to collect data. The study’s findings revealed that the details from the vital records are very crucial for identification and quantification of health-related issues and for measuring the progress towards improvement of quality and public health goals, also the vital records are the good source of data related to the population for assessment of risks and quality of perinatal results. This study also revealed the efforts to be done to protect vital records system health sector which is to conduct training development for hospital service staff on completing the vital records. The study concluded that the vital records are very crucial for better health services delivery so the protection of vital records should not be under estimated, the study recommended that crucial efforts should be launched to protect vital records system in health sector including to provide trainings and development for hospital service staffs on completing the vital records. Despite the better results revealed by this study, the study did not consider to find out how the vital records are being managed and protected particularly in Tanzania where the vital records protection is guided by Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 in the public offices for the continuity of their operations and service delivery in Tanzania.

The study done by Miquel Serra Fernandez in 2009 with the title namely as the preservation of vital e-records in universities, the study had two specific objectives which include to find out on how vital e-records can be accessed and appraised, also to find out the way authenticity and accessibility can be guaranteed to vital e-records. The study used interview and questionnaire to gather data. This study came up with findings that; vital e-records of the Catalan Public universities that exist in traditional formats (particularly in paper form) can be identified and monitored through the use of classification scheme; The collegiate body in the technology that can access, appraise and make selection in Catalonia is the National Committee of Records Access, Appraisal and Disposition (CNAATD); authenticity and accessibility can be guaranteed to the vital e-records through digital certification and signature/ time stamping and access can be made both at National level and in-line with regulated access to and security on personal data, it is a must to make determination on the type of treatment to be applied on vital records given that many of them are subject or restricted, In digital environment there is a must to consider on how those vital e-records should be protected. The study concluded that the management and preservation of vital e-records and the ways authenticity and accessibility can be guaranteed to vital e-records were good and in a good state in the Catalan Public Universities but little advancements were needed to improve access and security, to achieve this, the study recommended that the Public Catalan Universities should establish the strong online systems which can protect vital records and at the same time provide enough access to the right users. However, this study did not consider the context of Tanzania to find out on how the vital records are being managed and protected according to the Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 in the public offices for the continuity of their operations and service delivery in Tanzania.

Lastly, the study done by Kimario, (2014) with title named as the challenges of managing the public vital records in Tanzania, the study had two specific objectives which were to determine the prevalence of challenges in managing the public vital records, and to make identification of the challenges facing vital records protection for the continuity of business operations. The study used questionnaire method and interview method to collect data. The study came up with the findings which revealed that the challenges facing vital records management include the costs of management, inadequate knowledge on vital records management and bulk logs. The study concluded that many challenges are still facing vital records protection and in order to address them it recommended that the trainings should be provided to the records management staffs as well as adequate budget allocation on records management. However, this study did not consider to find out how the vital records are being managed and protected according to the Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 in the public offices for the continuity of their operations and service delivery in Tanzania.

2.5.Research gap

Research gap refers to the absence of some elements of information in the existing empirical literature review which a researcher decides to address or fill it by doing a research by using various approaches (Al-Sharif, 2017). By considering various practical knowledge shown in the empirical literature review above, the research gap realized from the existing knowledge was the absence of information about how the National Archives and Records Management Policy of 2011 has been implemented by public offices in protecting vital records for continuity of business operations and service delivery in Tanzania, this is due to the fact that most of the empirical studies have explained about other topics related to protecting vital records but they lacked documentation about how the National Archives and Records Management Policy of 2011 has been implemented by public offices in protecting vital records for continuity of business operations and service delivery in Tanzania. The presence of that gap made this research study to be conducted to fill this gap by studying on how the Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 is being followed or implemented in Tanzanian public offices to protect their vital records so that they can attain the continuity of business operations and the key services operations.

2.6.Conceptual framework

Conceptual framework is an important section in literature review, it is linked with empirical review to provide a structure that a researcher hope that it can clearly describe the natural progress of the phenomena under investigation, it contains the independent and dependent variables of the research study (Adom, 2018). Dependent variables are those variables which cannot stand on their own without depending on another variable. Independent variable are the variables which can stand alone and influences changes to the dependent variable (Teemba, 2019). This study was like other research studies, it contained independent and dependent variables. The independent variable for this study included all best practices which should be done to influence better vital records protection the public offices these include the presence of approved vital records recovery plans, implementation of the vital records recovery plans and the provision of computer hardware, software and procedure manual. While the dependent variable of this study is the vital records protection because the better vital records protection depends on the presence of the approved vital records recovery plans, implementation of the vital records recovery plans and the provision of computer hardware, software and procedure manual in the organization.







Approved Vital records recovery plans

Implementation of the vital records recovery plans

Provision of computer hardware, software, and procedure manual












Figure 2.3. 1 The conceptual framework of the study









This chapter was designed to provide a theoretical analysis on the methods and procedures which were applied in this research study.  The research methodology included a theoretical analysis about the research design, area of the study, targeted population, sample size and sampling methods, data collection methods, data collection tools as well as data analysis and interpretation methods (Igwenagu, 2016). So, all the things mentioned here are explained in detail under this chapter.

3.2.Research design

Research design is a fundamental plan that provides a guidance and phases of analysis for the research study (Kinner & Tyalor, 1996). The general meaning is that; research design is the blue print that is to be followed by the researcher to accomplish the research study. Research design was selected based on the three criteria which included the aim, time and focus as well as experiment (Zainal, 2007). The suitable research design for this research study was selected on the bases of the time and focus criteria (Zainal, 2007). According to the time and focus criteria there were three types of research design which included the cross-sectional research design, longitudinal research design and the case study research design (Zainal, 2007). For this study, the suitable research design was the case study design because it was sought to be useful as it could enable a researcher to make an examination closely about the data of a context by which a researcher chosen a small or modest geographical unit and used it as the subject for the research study (Zainal, 2007).

3.3.Area of the study

The area of the study refers to the location or place in which the research study should be carried out, it includes the names of regions, state, or city where the study will be conducted (Silvanos, 2020). This study was conducted at the Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF) company located in Dodoma City as a case of this study, the reasons behind selecting this area of the study was due to its situation of being very interesting to the researcher both professionally and personally as it contained the suitable professional environments which could support this research study to be carried out properly and successful, and personally was due to the presence of kindly, well trained and welcoming staffs who could provide data to this study, the last reason was that the PSSSF company fitted well to this research study’s topic because it had a well and developed records management systems and practices which made the researcher to be vaguely interested to conduct his/her research in that company and hoped to produce a best work at that area of the study.

3.4.Population of the study

According to Kombo, (2005) as quoted by Loru, (2020) the term population of the study means the group of elements or individuals with common characteristics which the samples are obtained from for investigation. The population of the study contained two groups which are the targeted population and the accessible population.

3.4.1.      Targeted population (Universe) of the study

The target population of the study refers to the entire group of objects to which the researcher had been interested to generalize the study findings (Kombo, 2005), so, as much as this research study was concerned with vital records protection in public offices for the continuity of business operations in Tanzania, then the target population for this study included all public offices or institutions practicing records management in Tanzania. So, this research’s findings were generalized to all public offices practicing records management in Tanzania.

3.4.2.      Accessible population

Accessible population refers to the part of the population to which a researcher had a reasonable access, it was the subset of the target population and this was whether limited to a state, region, city, county, or institution (Kombo, 2005). A researcher could not have an access to the entire targeted population due to a limited time, financial resources and transport facilities so, it was necessary for him to select the accessible population where the data could be collected successfully. So, the accessible population for this study included all staff members or professionals who were working with Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF) as one of the public offices which was selected from Dodoma City because a researcher had a reasonable access to the PSSSF headquarter in Dodoma City both personally and professionally.

By considering the research design for this study the PSSSF public organization was selected as the case study among all other public offices from Dodoma City, the staffs from this case study formed the accessible population for this study. So, the findings which were obtained from this case study were generalized to the entire targeted population. The PSSSF Company contained 60 staffs, so the accessible population for this study included 60 staffs. The following table shows the accessible population for this study.

3.1. Accessible population of the study


Number of employees


1.       Records management



2.       Department of law



3.       Accounts and finance



4.       Administration



5.       Human resource



6.       Member records






Source: Research data, (2021)

3.5.      Sample, sample size and sampling methods

3.5.1.      Sample of the study

A sample of the study is the targeted population’s subset from which data is obtained for deriving conclusions about the entire targeted population (Loru, 2020).  By referring to the accessible population suggested in the previous section, the sample of the study was selected from sixty (60) staff members who were working with the Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF) company selected as the case for this study in the Dodoma city.

3.5.2.      Sample size

A sample size is a total number of individuals to be included in a group or collection of individuals or objects which are chosen from the entire targeted population of the study with all characteristics necessary to represent the population of the study, sample size should not be too large or too small (Loru, 2020). This study’s sample size constituted a total of thirty (30) staff members from PSSSF as respondents by which about 3 members of the sample were selected through purposive sampling while 27 members were selected through simple random sampling, this formed a sample size of 30 staffs because a researcher sought that this sample size could bring an adequate and accurate data but also it could bring the adequate representation of the population of the study.  Also the study decided to use a sample of 30 staffs as it was aided by the formula developed by the Survey Monkey, in 2020 and it was applied by the study to calculate a sample size for this study and it has been shown below:



N= Population size

n = sample size

e= margin of error

z= score

P= population proportion


N= 60


Z-score= 1.96


By using the formula mentioned above

 = 30

From the calculation above, the sample size from a population of 60 employees was 30 employees, and the sample division was made according to departments as shown below:




Table 3.2. Sample size division




1.       Records management

Five (5) Records managers


2.       Department of law

Five (5) Lawyers


3.       Accounts and finance

Five (5) accountants


4.       Administration

Five (5) Administrators


5.       Human resource

Five (5) Human Resource managers


6.     Member records

Five (5) records managers





Source: Research data (2021)

3.5.3.      Sampling methods

Sampling is the process of creating a sample to represent the entire population of the study (Kabir, 2018). Sampling method refers to the way of getting the sample from a population of the study (Kabir, 2018). There are three types of sampling methods which are probability sampling and non-probability sampling and the combination of both probability and non-probability sampling methods (Kabir, 2018). In probability sampling every individual of the population has an equal chance to be included in the sample while in the non-probability sampling not every individual of the population has an equal chance to be included in the sample, and the combination of probability and non-probability sampling is the use of both probability and non-probability methods to obtain a sample to for a particular research study (Datta, 2018).

This study employed the use of both non-probability and probability sampling techniques, by starting with non-probability sampling the sub category of non-probability sampling known as the purposive sampling was applied in selecting three (3) members from Member records management department including Head of Member records management, Senior member records manager, and the Assistant member records manager because they were belonging to the department where too much vital records are managed and thus why they were considered to be the knowledgeable members of the sample. Therefore, through purposive sampling a researcher obtained 3 knowledgeable respondents who could provide a very important and relevant data related to this research study, and not every PSSSF’s employee from 60 staffs was suitable to provide data for this research study because by using purposive sampling, only knowledgeable members of a population about vital records protection and management were selected to constitute a sample. The major reason to use purposive sampling technique was to enable the study to have members of the sample who had a knowledge or idea about vital records protection and management in the PSSSF public office to provide relevant data to the researcher to produce a best work. The purposive sampling was done by using the homogenous technique by which the selected members had some shared characteristics as they were belonging to the same organization this enabled each of them to provide data and when finish they could refer the researcher to another person whom they hoped was knowledgeable enough to provide a researcher with accurate data about a certain issue of the study, so a researcher selected first the head of records management who was sought to be knowledgeable with the study and later the head of records management referred the researcher to the Head of human resource management for further information and lastly the head of human resource referred the researcher to the head of Accounting and Finance for more information.

The study also applied the probability sampling by which a simple random sampling was applied to select about 27 members to constitute the sample of the study, the major reason on using the simple random sampling technique was to avoid bias by achieving the accurate representation of the study’s population because every member of each of the PSSSF’s departments had an equal opportunity to be included in the sample. The simple random sampling was done by using a manual lottery method by which all members of each department were assigned with numbers, then the assigned number were drawn at random to constitute a sample group, since a simple random for this study was taken from a population of 60 employees, then every employee in every department should have known probability or chance of being included in the sample, the manual lottery method was applied to this study because the study had a small population size which was less than 100 but this method is not suitable for the larger population sizes. The following table indicates the probability or chance of every employee to be included in the sample at every department of the PSSSF.








Number of employees

Members’ Probability for being included in the sample

Number of sample elements

1.       Records management



2.       Department of law



3.       Accounts and finance



4.       Administration



5.       Human resource



6.       Member records






Source: Research data, 2021

3.6.      Data collection methods

Data collection refers to the process of gathering and measuring data on the interested variables in a manner that will enable the researcher to answer the research questions, evaluate the results and test the hypothesis (Kabir, 2016). While data collection methods are the techniques used by the researcher to obtain the data from the sample (Kabir, 2016). The methods for data collection can be the primary data collection methods or secondary data collection methods (Kothari 2004).

From the research questions of this study, it was thought that the questions required qualitative data due to the absence of numeric expressions like “how many” “to what extent” or “what is the number of” therefore this proved that this study required qualitative data by which the qualitative approach was used to collect data to answer these research questions. So, the interview, and observation were applied to obtain the qualitative primary data to answer those research questions. Also, for the sake of quantifying the qualitative data to have good generalization of findings, this study used questionnaire as a quantitative data collection method because the questionnaire method could assist the researcher to gather the quantitative data with objective and subjective nature from the large population of study for obtaining the results which had significance statistically. Hence, the study used both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. For the case of secondary data documentary review was applied.

3.6.1.      Collection of qualitative primary data

The qualitative   approach of data collection involves the use of qualitative observation, focus group discussion method, and the qualitative interview method to collect data to answer various qualitative research questions (Flick, 2013). But this study employed the use of only two methods of qualitative data collection which were qualitative observation and qualitative interview as clarified below.

  i.      Observation

The term observation implies the way of collecting data through observing what is being done in the real-life environment through looking with eyes, touching, tasting and hearing (Flick, 2013). To collect the qualitative data by using observation method the researcher must use the qualitative observation (Flick, 2013). The use of observation method for this study was crucial due to the reason that the observation could save time and was useful in making an exploration to see what was being done in the natural settings, therefore it enabled the researcher to extract data about what was being done practically to implement the Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 towards protecting vital records in the public offices’ environment. There are two types of observation method of data collection which include the participant observation and non-participant observation (Ciesielka, 2018). This study used the participant observation method to enable the researcher to see and study what was being done practically in the public offices or the PSSSF organization which was the field place under investigation. Observation was conducted by using the observation checklist which guided the researcher on what to be observed directly from the field to help a researcher to be more focused.

iv.                Interview method

Interview was another method of data collection which was used by this study, the interview uses open-ended questions to provide qualitative data to answer the qualitative research questions (Flick, 2013). Interviews are used to obtain an in-depth information or data about the knowledge, thoughts, motivations and reasoning of the participants about the study’s topic (Flick, 2013). So, this research study used the interview method to enable the researcher to go deeper into the inner in the mind of the respondents to enable a researcher to gain awareness or understanding about the respondent’s perspectives and awareness about how Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 is being implemented towards protection of vital records in public offices. There are three types of interview method including the structured interview, semi structured interview and unstructured interview (Zaripoush, 2020). This study used the semi structured interview method to enable the researcher to use an interview protocol that could provide guidance to the researcher during the interview process, however it went through with a structure but it granted the researcher with the capacity to probe the respondents to get the detailed or additional information. The interview method was done through the use of interview guide by which a researcher had a predetermined list of questions to guide a researcher during interview to make the study to be more focused.

3.6.2.      Quantitative data collection methods

Quantitative data collection methods are the techniques used to collect the data containing numbers, there are many quantitative data collection methods including the questionnaire (Abawi, 2013). For the sake of quantifying the qualitative data to have good generalization of findings, this study used questionnaire as a quantitative data collection method because the questionnaire method could assist the researcher to gather the quantitative data with objective and subjective nature from the large population of study for obtaining the results which had significance statistically as explained below.

i.      Questionnaire method

Questionnaire is an instrument of gathering data using series of written questions for the aim of collecting quantitative data from the participants (Abawi, 2013). A researcher should use the questionnaire method only if he/she think that it will enable him/her together the accurate and complete information logically (Abawi, 2013). A well-tailored questionnaire should be able to fit well to the research objectives and goals while reducing the un-responded questions (Abawi, 2013). This research study used the questionnaire method because a researcher sought that it could bring the targeted data as it brings enough time the respondents to think and answer the questions without any necessary presence of the researcher as it is in other methods, but also the questionnaire method could assist the researcher to gather the quantitative data with objective and subjective nature from the large population of study for obtaining the results which had significance statistically (Abawi, 2013). There are two types of questionnaire which are unstructured or open questionnaire method and structured or closed ended questionnaire method (Zaripoush, 2020).  This study employed the use of both closed-ended and open-ended questionnaires to obtain data which were more detailed. The questionnaire method was done through preparing the printed questions relevant to answer the research objectives and distributing all of them to be answered by the respondents at the PSSSF.

3.6.3.      Collection of secondary data

All secondary data which could be available for this research study like the PSSSF’s already printed documents with the information related to this study were to be collected by using the documentary review method. Documentary review is the process of passing through various existing documents which contain information which can be used to answer the research questions and objectives of the study (Zaripoush, 2020). Unfortunately the researcher did not find either the PSSSF’s documents like the PSSSF’s Records Management Policy containing the vital records and business recovery plans to see if those vital records and business recovery plans included the provision of any necessary hardware, software and the procedure manuals to facilitate the records access and use or documents containing the PSSSF’s standards and guidelines issued by the government to see if they were being put into practice in protecting the vital records. This implies that no any secondary data were collected by this study through documentary review.

3.7.      Data collection tools

Data collection tool refers to the tool used to gather the data during the research study (USAID, 2019). Data collection tools for the primary data collection include the discussion guide, observation checklist, interview guide, paper questionnaires and the observation checklist (USAID, 2019). But for the case of secondary data collection, the tool to be used is the documentary review which has been explained in the previous section (the section of secondary data collection method). So, this study used only three data collection tools for the primary data collection which are the observation checklist, interview guide and paper questionnaires from three data collection tools which are the observation, interview and questionnaire methods and they are explained in detail as follows:

  i.      Observation checklist

Observation checklist is the list of the questions which the researcher uses to answer when he/she is observing the respondents and the visible features in the research field (USAID, 2019). The observation checklist was used as the data collection tool because the researcher used the observation method of data collection in form of participant observation. This checklist aimed to assist both the researcher and the respondents who were being observed to know exactly what will be observed during the observation.  Therefore, this study used the observation checklist to help the researcher to be focused in collecting data which helped him to answer the research questions. The observation checklist has been attached at the end of this document as the first appendix. Observation checklist was applied by the researcher as the guidance on what was to be observed during observation.

ii.      Interview guide

Interview guide is the complete list of the questions which an interviewer is going to ask an interviewee during the interview (Boyce, 2006). This study used an interview guide because this study used the qualitative interview method in collecting data to answer the research questions.  It is very important to prepare the interview guide in the qualitative research approach when using the qualitative interview method of collecting data (Boyce, 2006). In this study the interview guide’s questions were open ended rather than leading questions and the researcher did not use the suggestive language in the interview guide to enable the respondents or interviewee to express their ideas and experiences about the research problem (Boyce, 2006). The interview guide guided the interviewer during the interview to enable the researcher to gather the intended data. The interview guide has been attached at the end of this document as the second appendix. The interview contained only six questions which were being asked to the respondents. The interview guide was applied by the researcher as the guidance on what to ask the respondents during interview.

iii.      Questionnaire

Questionnaire is an instrument of gathering data which consists of question’s series for the aim of gathering data from the respondents (Abawi, 2013). This research study used the questionnaire as the tool of collecting data because this tool was suitable for the questionnaire method of data collection which had already been chosen to be used to collect data during this research study. The questionnaire has been attached at the end of this document as the third appendix. The questionnaire contained both open ended and close ended questions for the sake of gathering more details. The questionnaire was structured into four major sections including the Respondents’ preliminary information, vital records and business recovery plans, standards and guidelines on the management and implementation of vital records and business recovery plans, and the last section was facilitation of vital records access and use. The questionnaire paper was applied as the representatives of the researcher by which the respondents could fill them without any necessary presence of the researcher.

3.8.      Data presentation and analysis

The presentation of data for this study was done both qualitatively through interview quotations explanations and quantitatively through statistical charts and tables. Data analysis is an important step in the research study (Kawulich, 2020). Since this research study collected the qualitative data through interview and observation, and quantitative data through the questionnaire, the suitable data analysis approaches were the qualitative data and quantitative data analysis. Qualitative data analysis is the group of procedures and processes by which the qualitative data gathered are moved into an explanation form, interpretation, or understanding of the persons as well as the understanding about the situations being researched (Sunday, 2020). The major purpose of the qualitative data analysis is to make an examination of the symbolic and meaningful content of the qualitative data collected, while the quantitative data analysis focuses more on emphasizing the objectives measurements as well as the statistical, numerical and mathematical analysis of data collected through questionnaires, polls, and surveys by manipulating pre-existing statistical data through computational techniques, quantitative data analysis can be descriptive or inferential (Sunday, 2020).

3.8.1.      Qualitative data analysis

There are many types of qualitative data analysis which include content analysis, narrative analysis, ethnographic analysis, thematic analysis and the phenomenological analysis (Sunday, 2020). This study used two types of qualitative data analysis which are the thematic analysis, and content analysis.

A.    Thematic analysis

Thematic analysis is the kind of qualitative data analysis which is done when the researcher is trying to investigate out on the people’s views, opinions as well as experiences from the qualitative data for example, it can be like from the interview transcripts and survey’s answers (Caulfield, 2020).  A researcher can use the inductive approach or deductive approach in making thematic data analysis (Caulfield, 2020). Thematic analysis can use inductive approach or deductive approach in making analysis (Caulfield, 2020). By using inductive approach, a researcher allows the collected data to make determination of his or her research themes while the deductive approach is when the researcher comes to the data with the preconceived themes expected to be tested through the collected data based on the existing knowledge theory (Caulfield, 2020). So, in this research study, the researcher used thematic analysis with the deductive approach by which the researcher used the research objectives as the preconceived themes to be tested by using the collected data from the interviews and other methods of data collection. The major reason of using thematic analysis method was that the study had collected data which contained the individuals’ views, opinions, knowledge and experience through interview method, and thematic analysis was the only method needed to extract the useful information from those data. Thematic analysis was done by passing through six stages which were familiarizing with interview data, coding them, generating themes from the interview data, reviewing themes to make sure the themes are useful for the study, defining and naming these themes, and lastly writing up.

B.     Content analysis

Content analysis is the method of data analysis for the behavioral or verbal data to classify, summarize, and tabulate the data in the descriptive level and interpretive level (Sunday, 2020). The descriptive level of data analysis reveals only about what is data while the interpretive level reveals the meaning of the collected data (Sunday, 2020). In this research study, the researcher used also the content analysis to analyze data through looking on the content of the collected data and coming up with certain information concerning about the research objectives. The main objective of the data analysis is to answer the research objectives or questions by using the data collected (Sunday, 2020). This type of qualitative data analysis was suitable for the data collected through observation because content analysis is also concerned with behavioral or verbal data which can be obtained through observation method. The content analysis was done through three stages which were to select the content to analyze by which the data in the observation checklist was selected to be analyzed, coding the observation checklist by all relevant data were recorded, and lastly the analysis of the observation results was done and the conclusion was made.

3.8.2.      Quantitative data analysis

A researcher sought the quantitative data analysis technique to be useful for this study to analyze the data collected by this study through questionnaire method. The suitable quantitative data analysis approach for this study was the descriptive analysis as explained below:

i.      Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive analysis is the term which mean the analysis of data that serves to make description, reveal, and summarize in a meaningful manner the patterns which emerges from the data, it is also referred to as the descriptive statistics, descriptive statistics is very crucial because without them we cannot be able to make visualizations of what data was revealing, especially when there are many data, so the descriptive statistics helps the researcher to make data presentation in a more meaningful manner to allow simpler interpretation of data (Caulfield, 2020). There are two categories of statistics used in descriptive analysis which are measures of central tendency which aims to bring a central position of frequency distribution and the Measures of Spread which aims to summarize the group of data by giving description on how the spread of scores are (Caulfield, 2020).

With regard to the nature of data collected by this study, the suitable quantitative data analysis was the descriptive analysis by which the Measure of spread category of descriptive analysis was considered to be useful to analyze data of this study. The descriptive analysis was done through summarizing the data by giving description on spread out scores of various aspects from the data collected, and through this technique of data analysis the statistical tables and charts were drawn with assistance of the Microsoft excel to achieve the descriptive data analysis for this study by using the measures of spread category.














This chapter provides the presentation, analysis and discussion of the findings on the vital records protection in public offices for the continuity of services and business operations in Tanzania using the case study of the Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF) headquarter in Dodoma City. The presentation, analysis and discussion of findings was accomplished according to the specific research objectives as outlined below;

i.      To find out if the government has approved any vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices;

ii.      To find out if the public offices are managing and implementing the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government,

iii.      To determine if the public offices are ensuring that their vital records and business plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software and the procedure manuals to facilitate the records access and use.

This study’s findings were obtained using of three data collection methods including questionnaire, interview and observation method.

4.2.Biographic data

For the sake of gaining an understanding on the respondents’ social characteristics and comparing them, the study describes the demographic characteristics of the respondents as follows.






Table 4.1. Biographic data of the respondents








Gender of the respondents



















Records management






Department of law






Accounts and finance












Human resource






Member records











Education level

Higher education























Working experience

1-6 years





6-11 years






11-16 years






Above 16 years










Source: Research data, 2021

4.2.1.      Departments of the respondents    

About 16.66% of the respondents were from Records management department, about 16.66% of respondents were also coming from the department of law, about 16.66% of the respondents were coming from the Accounting and Finance department, about 16.66% were coming from Administration Department, also about 16.66% of the respondents were coming from Human Resource Management, and the last 16.66% of the respondents were coming from the Member records departments. These data imply the equality attained by the researcher in selecting the sample to achieve the accurate representation of the entire population of the study, by selecting the same number of respondents from each department made a fair proportion from each department of the PSSSF to constitute a sample of the study as supported by Kabir, (2016) who argued that, to have an accurate representation of the population of the study a sample must contain a fair proportion of units to represent all groups of the population into the sample.

4.2.2.      Gender of the respondents

About 57% of the respondents were males while 43% of them were females implying that, at the PSSSF there are more male staffs who work hard in records center, quicker in retrieving records stored in the cabinets and they provide support to the accomplishment of the organizations mission and visions. These findings are supported by the Scott, (2019) who argue that some organizations fuel gender differences in employing staffs, some organizations prefer male employees because they work hard and offer their maximum support towards accomplishment of the organization’s mission and vision while ignoring female gender because the females are unable to work independently.

4.2.3.      Education level of the respondents

About 100% of the respondents were found belonging to the higher education level which include the bachelor degree, Master Degree and the Philosophical Doctor (PhD), none of them was found belonging to certificate or diploma level. This implies that, the respondents had high knowledge enough to provide an appropriate answers to the researcher because when the employees attend higher educations and trainings both the records management staffs and other employees become more competent in their areas of specializations, these results are in support with Frost, (2019) who argued that, the regular training and development enable the employees to be filled with consistent knowledge on the organization’s policies, activities and organization’s admire.

4.2.4.      Working experience

About 33.33% of the respondents had the experience ranging from 6-10 years at the PSSSF and about 33.33% of the respondents had experience ranging from 11-16 years at PSSSF. This implies that the highest percentage of the respondents belong to the moderate work experiences and this means that most of the respondents had a moderate understanding of their work context, independent, and self-confident enough in their profession. These findings are in support with Frost, (2019) who argue that the higher the work experience the higher is the employees’ understanding on the work context, understanding and self confidence in their area of profession.

4.3.The government’s approval of vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices.

To answer the first research objective on the government’s approval of the vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices, the study acknowledged the presence of the first statement of the National Records and Archives Management Policy towards vital records protection which clearly stipulates that, the government must approve the vital records and business recovery plans for public organizations (PO-PSM, 2011). To gain an understanding if the mentioned policy statement for vital records protection is being applied in the organization, a researcher asked the respondents to acknowledge if the government approves the vital records recovery plans and identify various recovery plans approved by the government.

In attempting to answer the first question asked through questionnaire to 27 respondents, the question aimed to know if the government approves the vital records and business recovery plans for the organization. About 16 respondents forming 59% of the entire sample acknowledged that, the government has been approving the vital records and business recovery plans for the PSSSF. Consider the diagram below which present the response of the respondents.

Figure 4.1. Approval of the vital records recovery plans

Source: Research data, 2021

From the diagram above, it shows that, highest percentage of the respondents acknowledge the government’s approval of the vital records recovery plans for the PSSSF. This implies that the government has been a frontline on implementing the first policy statement towards vital records protection because vital records are very important for the organization to recover its normal operations after the disaster or emergency which ends up on destroying all other records.

Furthermore, in answering the second question asked through questionnaire to 27 respondents with the aim to identify various vital records recovery plans approved by the government for the organization, the respondents acknowledged the presence of various vital records recovery plans approved by the government, they include the duplication and dispersal plan which was mentioned by 17 respondents equal to 63% of  respondents, a plan to store vital records onto the server mentioned by 3 respondents equal to 11% of the respondents, a plan to keep vital records free from fire mentioned by 2 respondents equal to 7% of the respondents, and the training plan which was mentioned by 5 respondents equal to 19% of the entire sample of the study. Consider the diagram below which presents the responses of the respondents.

Figure 4.2. Recovery plans approved by the government

Source: Research data, (2021)

From the diagram above, the results show that there are various vital records recovery plans approved by the government for the PSSSF. These data imply that the government and the PSSSF have been implementing the policy statement towards vital records protection by formulating and approving various vital records recovery plans for the PSSSF in order to insure that the organization becomes capable to revamp to its key services provision and business operations in Tanzania immediately as possible after the emergency of disaster.

Furthermore, through the use of interview method by which about 3 respondents were interviewed to get more clarifications on various vital records recovery plans mentioned above in order to gain an in-depth understanding about them as they are used at the PSSSF, through interview method the respondents offered more clarification as provided as follows:

  i.      Vital records duplication and dispersal plan

The respondents mentioned this plan as one among other plans which were approved by the government for the PSSSF, according to one interviewee who was anonymously named as “X” said that: “the PSSSF company initiated the plan of duplicating every record only if it will be identified as the vital record for the company and after duplication the vital record must be dispersed into different locations for storage and it was approved by the government” (Research data, 2021). This has revealed that the employees working with the PSSSF are aware with the vital records duplication and dispersal plan as the one of their vital records recovery plans approved by the government and how it works in their organization.

Also according to another respondent anonymously named as “Y” said that: “Duplication has to be done through scanning the paper onto the network cloud storage because paper copies are more fragile and can be misplaced easily, after the duplication accomplished the copies of the vital records are to be dispersed to offsite location for easy recovery in the case of emergency, the backup copies were to be stored in the location which is not less than 15 miles from the PSSSF buildings where the original copies are located” (Research data, 2021). This also proves that the respondents are aware with the vital records duplication and dispersal plan as the one of their vital records recovery plans approved by the government and how it works in their organization.

Also, respondent “Z” was quoted saying that:

“After the PSSSF’s formulation of the vital records duplication and dispersal plan, the government was asked to approve this plan in 2018, then the government reviewed the vital records duplication and dispersal plan, the plan came to be trusted by the government to be suitable for the PSSSF’s vital records recovery plan, therefore the government approved this plan and until now this plan has been put into practice at the PSSSF public organization” (Research data, 2021).

Therefore, this reveals that the government approves the vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices.

ii.                  A plan of storing vital records into the server.

The respondents mentioned the storage of vital records into the server as one of the vital records recovery plans which was approved by the government to be used at the PSSSF public organization.

The interviewee anonymously named as X was quoted saying that:

“The PSSSF company formulated the plan of storing the vital records into the server in 2017 in order to ensure that the vital records which are generated in electronic form are stored in the central servers to ensure that they are well protected by the presence of appropriate backup and disaster recovery to support the business operations and service delivery continuity” (Research data, 2021).

Also, interviewee Y added more by saying that:

After the formulation of this plan, the PSSSF company requested the government to approve this plan, the government did not hesitate to approve this plan because it trusted this plan to be used as the vital records recovery plan at the PSSSF public organization, therefore, in 2017 the plan of storing vital records into the server was approved by the government, immediately after the approval of this plan, the PSSSF put it into practice by ensuring the presence of the Central severs where all backup copies can be accessed by any branch on time, for example PSSSF sub Head quarter located in Dares salaam can access the vital records of the PSSSF head quarter located in Dodoma city” (Research data 2021).

So, all these quotations prove the presence of the plan of storing vital records onto the server at the PSSSF organization. But also, the findings reveal that in 2018 the plan of storing vital records into the server was approved by the government, immediately after the approval of this plan, the PSSSF put it into practice by ensuring the presence of the Central severs where all backup copies can be accessed by any branch on time, for example PSSSF sub Head quarter located in Dares salaam can access the vital records of the PSSSF head quarter located in Dodoma city, also the PSSSF company has been ensuring that there is enough provision of necessary hardware and software as well as procedure manuals to its staff members to ensure that the vital records are stored on the server, protected and can be accessed on time. So, this reveals the presence and implementation of the approved plan of storing vital records into the server at the PSSSF.

iii.                A plan of keeping vital records free from fire and other disasters

About two (2) respondents of this study said that plan of keeping vital records free from fire was also one among other vital records and business recovery plans formulated by the PSSSF public organization in 2017, their explanations were quoted as follows;

The interviewee “X” was quoted saying that:

This plan aimed to protect vital records from fire damage through the initiation of using the fireproof cabinets for file storages, the use of fire suppression systems which use different elements to combat the fire once it starts, this system should sense heat or smoke, to achieve this, it aimed to initiate various systems like chemical, water sprinkler, mist system and aerosol to protect vital records from fire hazard” (Research data, 2021)

The interviewee “Y” was quoted saying that:

After the formulation of this plan the government was requested to approve this plan in 2018”, the same as previous plans, the government approved this plan in 2018 to be one among other vital records and business recovery plans suitable for PSSSF company. After the approval of this plan the PSSSF organization did not delay to put it into practice because, the respondents mentioned various practices which are being done to implement this plan these are the presence of water sprinkler, mist system, chemical like and gas like carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

So, all these quotations have revealed the presence of the plan of keeping vital records free from fire and how it works at the PSSSF headquarter.

iv.                Training plan

About 3 respondents mentioned this as one of the PSSSF’s vital records and business recovery plan which was approved by the government. The following are the quotations from the interview transcripts captured when the interviewees were responding to the interview, by starting with interviewee “Z” who was quoted saying that:

The PSSSF as a public organization initiated this plan in order to ensure that its staff members responsible for the PSSSF’s records recovery receive enough training to capture adequate skills and knowledge suitable for emergency preparedness so that they become able to assist the official coordination of the vital records disaster recovery on time”.

The respondent “Y” of this study said that: “The government approved this plan immediately when it was requested to be approved by the PSSSF because this plan was seen to be suitable for the PSSSF public organization” (Research data, 2021). So, all of these proves that this plan was approved by the government and it exists at the PSSSF after the approval of the government.

4.4.The public offices’ management and implementation of the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government.

To answer the second objective of the study on the public offices’ management and implementation of the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government. The study acknowledges the presence of the second statement of the National Records and Archives Management Policy towards vital records protection which clearly stipulates that, the public offices has to manage and implement vital records and business recovery plans according to standards and guidelines issued by the government (PO-PSM, 2011). The study also acknowledged that there are different legal frameworks, standards and guidelines issued by the government including the Records and Archives Management Act of 2002, Guidelines and Procedures for Managing Personnel Records in Public services of 2013, and the Procedure manuals but most of them are not specifically for vital records management (Mohamed, 2018). In order to gain an understanding on if the standards and guidelines of the mentioned are being considered when implementing and managing vital records and business recovery plans in the organization to implement the second policy statement, the respondents were asked to acknowledge, identify and show the implementation mode of the standards and guidelines applicable in the organization on management and implementing the vital records and business recovery plans

In attempting to answer the first question asked through questionnaire method to 27 respondents with the aim to know if the standards and guidelines issued by the government exist at the PSSSF, about 20 respondents forming 74% of all respondents acknowledged the presence of standards and guidelines issued by the government guiding the implementation of vital records and business recovery plans. Consider the diagram below.

Figure 4.3. Presence of standards and guidelines issued by government

Source: Research data, 2021

From the diagram above, the data shows that the highest percentage of the respondents acknowledged the presence of standards and guidelines issued by the government to guide the vital records protection and management in the organization. The data imply that the organization is aware with the presence of various standards and guidelines issued by the government to guide vital records protection and management and it ensures that the standards and guidelines issued by the government are well known and available to the employees in order to achieve the better vital records management and protection.

Furthermore, in attempting to answer the second question which aimed to identify the standards and guidelines issued by the government existing in the organization to guide vital records management and protection,  the respondents acknowledged the presence of various standards and guidelines issued by the government at the PSSSF to guide the vital records protection by mentioning the National Records and Archives Management Policy issued in 2011, and Records and Archives Management Act no.3 of 2002. Consider the following table which presents the response on the presence of the standards and guidelines issued by the government at the PSSSF.

Table 4.2. Standards and guidelines issued by the government existing at the PSSSF

Available Standards and guidelines

Number of respondents

Percentages (%)

Records and archives management policy of 2011



Records and Archives Management Act no.3 of 2002



Source, Research data, (2021)

From the table above, the data shows that the respondents acknowledged the presence of National Records and Archives Management Policy issued by the government in 2011 and the Records and Archives Management Act of 2002 as suitable for guiding the vital records management and protection. The data imply that, even though the government has not issued the specific guidelines and standards in Tanzania for vital records protection, the employees were aware with the presence of the policy and records management Act which they regarded them as standards and guidelines issued by the government and available in the organization to guide the vital records protection and management as stipulated by the second policy statement.

By answering the second objective of the study, the question was asked to 27 respondents through questionnaire with the aim to know if the organization has been managing and implementing its vital records and business recovery plans according to the available regarded standards and guidelines issued by the government.  About 93% of respondents acknowledged the presence of implementation of the vital records and business recovery plans in accordance to standards and guidelines issued by the government at the PSSSF. The following table presents the response of the respondents.

Table 4.3. presents the data on the standards and guidelines consideration






Do the standards and guidelines issued by the government being considered in managing the vital records at PSSSF?

25 (93%)

2 (7%)

0 (0%)


Source: Research data, 2021

From the table above, the data shows that the highest percentage of the respondents acknowledged the consideration of the available standards and guidelines including the National Records and Archives Management Policy as well as the Records and Archives Management Act when implementing the organization’s vital records and business recovery plans. This imply that the PSSSF has been implementing the second policy statement by working hard to comply with the available standards and guidelines when managing and implementing its vital records recovery plans because failure to achieve compliance with the standards and guidelines can lead to a business risk.

Furthermore, in order to answer well the second objective of the study, the interview method was applied by which 3 respondents were interviewed on the ways in which the vital records are being managed in accordance to the standards and guidelines issued by the government, the respondents acknowledged two major ways of implementation which include the heads of the PSSSF being responsible to their responsibilities outlined by the Records and archives management Act as well as protection of vital records according to the policy of records and archives management. Consider the table below presents the response of the respondents.

Table 4.4. Ways of implementing the standards and guidelines issued by the government





The heads of the PSSSF are responsible to public records and archives as articulated in the Records and Archives Management Act of 2002.

R  3


Protecting Vital records as articulated by the RAMP of 2011.



Source: Research data, 2021

From the table above, the data show that the PSSSF has been considering the standards and guidelines particularly the National Records and Archives Management Act no.3 of 2002 and the National Records Management Policy of 2011 issued by the government to implement its vital records and business recovery plans. The respondents explained more through interview about the consideration of standards and guidelines to protect vital records as follows:

a.       The heads of the PSSSF are responsible to public records and archives as articulated in the Records and Archives Management Act of 2002 in section 7(9).

The respondents acknowledge that the heads of the PSSSF have been responsible towards vital records management and protection by insuring that the PSSSF’s current records are created and managed within appropriate filing system, this was proved by the quotation captured from the interview transcript when one interviewee was saying that:

Our heads including the Director of Human Resource and Administration has been emphasizing us as records managers to ensure that the current records created within or received by organization are managed properly by using a keyword filing system, the major aim for them to do this is to comply to the Records Management Act, and this has been directly affecting the implementation of the vital records recovery plans like Training on vital records management” (Research data, 2021).

Furthermore, the respondents acknowledge the responsibility of the heads of the PSSSF on Retention and Disposal Schedules drafting, this was mentioned as the way in which the heads of the Heads of the PSSSF has been responsible to records management. This has been proved through the quotation from the interview transcript which was captured when the interviewee was saying that:

We have been drafting the retention and disposal schedules related to the vital records of our organization with assistance of the Director of our Department to ensure that the vital records continue to be retained in our organization through storing them into the server and in other ways, while the no longer needed records are destroyed or transferred to the archive. We have been doing this to meet the Section 7 (9) of the National Records Management Act of 2002” (Research data, 2021)

b.      Protecting Vital records as articulated by the RAMP of 2011

The respondents acknowledge the relevance of the National Records and Archives Management Policy (NRAMP) of 2011 to the PSSSF as they mentioned it as one of the standards which have been considered in managing vital records. This has been revealed by the following quotation captured from one interviewee who was saying that:

“We have been considering what is written in the Records and archives management Policy in managing vital records, for example the policy stipulates that the vital records should be protected against fire and other disasters, even us we have established the plan to protect vital records from fire and other disasters, and we follow the policy statements in managing vital records”

 From the interview data, the results are generalized by saying that the vital records recovery plans have been implemented in accordance to the National Records and Archives Management Act no 3 of 2002 and the National Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 in order to attain continuity of business operations and key services delivery to the public

4.5.Determination on if the public offices are ensuring that their vital records and business recovery plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software, and the procedure manuals into the vital records and business recovery plans to facilitate the records access and use.

To answer the third objective of the study on the determination if the public offices are insuring that their vital records and business recovery plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software, and the procedure manuals onto the vital records and business recovery plans to facilitate the records access and use. The study acknowledged the presence of the third statement of the National Records and Archives Management Policy towards vital records protection which clearly stipulates that, the public offices must insure that their vital records and business recovery plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software, and the procedure manuals into the vital records and business recovery plans to facilitate the records access and use (PO-PSM, 2011). To answer the third objective of the study on the inclusion of the necessary hardware, software and procedure manual into the vital records and business recovery plans the respondents were asked to acknowledge the provision of hardware, software and procedure manuals in the organization.

In attempt to answer the question asked to all respondents through questionnaire with the aim to know if there is provision of computer hardware, software and procedure manual at the PSSSF, about 27 respondents equal to 100% of the respondents acknowledged the provision of all necessary computers’ hardware and software, while only 19 respondents equal to 70% of all respondents acknowledged the presence of records management procedure manuals. Consider the following table presenting the response of the respondents.


Table 4.5. Presents the data collected through questionnaire






A. Provision of necessary hardware

27 (100%)

  0 (0%)

0 (0%)


B. Provision of any necessary software

27 (100%)

  0 (0%)

0 (0%)


C. Provision of procedure manuals

 19  (70%)

  4 (15%)

4 (15%)


  Source: Research data, 2021

From the table above, the data shows that there is higher provision of the computer’s hardware and software as well as procedures manual in the organization. The data imply that the PSSSF has been working hard to provide necessary computers’ hardware and software because this kind of technology is highly required in the organization to facilitate access and use of vital records as the managers are able to use and track vital records, storing them, accessing them easily, managing and cutting costs of the physical storage of the vital records by using computers hardware and software. Also, the provision of the procedure manual is very significant to the organization for providing guidance on vital records access and use.

Furthermore, to accurately answer the second objective of the study a researcher applied an observation method to observe the presence of the computer hardware, software and procedure manuals in the organization. Using observation checklist, the study acknowledged the presence of the computer hardware, software and procedure manuals. Consider the observation checklist below which reveals the results obtained through observation method.

Table 4.6. Researcher’s observation Checklist


RESULTS (X - absence) and (Ö-presence)

Presence of hardware to facilitate records access and use of vital records


Presence of software to support access and use of vital records


Presence of procedure manuals to the records managers to support vital records management


Source: Field data (2021)

From the observation checklist above, the data shows that there is a provision of the computer’s hardware and software as well as procedures manual in the organization. The data means that the PSSSF has been working hard to provide necessary computers’ hardware and software because this kind of technology is highly required in the organization to facilitate access and use of vital records as the managers are able to use and track vital records, storing them, accessing them easily, managing and cutting costs of the physical storage of the vital records by using computers hardware and software. Also, the provision of the procedure manual is very significant to the organization for providing guidance on vital records managements, access and use.






















This chapter brings a summary of the study’s methods and procedures, summary of the findings, recommendation, as well as conclusion on the vital records protection in public offices for the continuity of business operations and service delivery in Tanzania at the PSSSF Headquarter as the case of the study in city of Dodoma and at the end of this chapter are the suggestions for the areas which need further researches to be conducted.

5.2.Summary of the study’s method and procedures

This study employed the use of the case study design through which the PSSSF headquarter was chosen to be the case for investigation, a sample was selected from the case of study by using the non-probability and probability sampling techniques by which the purposive sampling technique and simple random sampling were used, this study used both the qualitative and quantitative approaches in collecting data by which the questionnaire, interview and observation data collection methods were used to collect the primary data for this study. The data collection tools for this study were the questionnaire, interview guide and the observation checklist. The data were presented by both quantitative methods using various statistical tables and charts and qualitatively by explanations. Two methods of qualitative data analysis were applied to analyze the data obtained by the study including thematic analysis and content analysis and one quantitative analysis method known as descriptive analysis was applied in this study.

5.3.Summary of the findings

The major aim for this study was to explore on how the Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 is being implemented in the Tanzanian public offices towards protecting the vital records for the continuity of business operations and service delivery in Tanzania, to achieve this main objective, the researcher developed three more specific objectives of the study which were to find out if the government has approved any vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices; to find out if the public offices are managing and implementing the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government, and lastly was to determine if the public offices are ensuring that their vital records and business plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software and the procedure manuals to facilitate the records access and use, so the following is the summary of the findings made per each objective of the study:

The government approves the vital records and business recovery plans for the public organizations to promote vital records protection, this study aimed to find out if the government approves the vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices as the records and archives management policy of 2011 stipulates, the data shows that the highest percentage of the respondents acknowledged the presence of standards and guidelines issued by the government to guide the vital records protection and management in the organization. The data imply that the organization is aware with the presence of various standards and guidelines issued by the government to guide vital records protection and management and it ensures that the standards and guidelines issued by the government are well known and available to the employees in order to achieve the better vital records management and protection.

The public offices have been considering the standards and guidelines issued by the government in implementing their vital records recovery plans and managing vital records, this study focused to find out if the public offices are managing vital records and implementing their vital records recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government. The data shows that the highest percentage of the respondents acknowledged the consideration of the available standards and guidelines including the National Records and Archives Management Policy as well as the Records and Archives Management Act when implementing the organization’s vital records and business recovery plans. This imply that the PSSSF has been implementing the second policy statement by working hard to comply with the available standards and guidelines when managing and implementing its vital records recovery plans because failure to achieve compliance with the standards and guidelines can lead to a business risk.

There is an inclusion of the provision of any necessary hardware, software and procedure manuals in the vital records recovery plans, this study determined if the public offices are ensuring that their vital records and business recovery plans include the provision of necessary hardware, software, and procedure manuals to facilitate access and use. The data shows that there is higher provision of the computer’s hardware and software as well as procedures manual in the organization. The data imply that the PSSSF has been working hard to provide necessary computers’ hardware and software because this kind of technology is highly required in the organization to facilitate access and use of vital records as the managers are able to use and track vital records, storing them, accessing them easily, managing and cutting costs of the physical storage of the vital records by using computers hardware and software. Also, the provision of the procedure manual is very significant to the organization for providing guidance on vital records managements, access and use.


According to the findings obtained by this study, it can be concluded that to the large extent the Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 has been implemented in public offices towards vital records protection through government’s approval of vital records and business recovery plans for the public offices, the public offices are managing and implementing the vital records and business recovery plans according to the standards and guidelines issued by the government, and lastly the public offices are ensuring that their vital records and business plans include the provision of any necessary hardware, software and the procedure manuals to facilitate the records access and use.

But the implementation of this policy has not reached the 100% due to the prevalence of various challenges like underrating of the records management field is a challenge hindering the implementation of the policy because the registry works have been underrated by various top managers and the normal employees from other fields to an extent of making the registry as the dumping place where unnecessary documents and equipment are being kept following the orders of the top managers and middle managers, this is professionally wrong as it may cause damage of the records which are being managed in the registry, the inadequate of  knowledge about records  management in general and vital records specifically to the staff members like accountants, legal officers, directors and others is a challenge because it becomes difficulty for the records managers to emphasize the protection of vital records to them as shortage of knowledge to other staff members makes them to be reluctant in the efforts of promoting protection of vital records in public organizations.


By considering the challenges hindering the implementation of the National Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011, the study recommended the following:

The top managers in the public organizations should train all their employees like Human resource managers, Lawyers and accountants about the importance of records management to avoid the underrating of records management functions, also they should be trained about the importance of protection of vital records so that they can become aware with proper usage of record by protecting it from damage.

Lastly, the records management staff members should be receiving a regular training about their profession so that they can be able to cope with the increasing developments of information and technology like computers and computer software so as to become capable of using various modern technologies in managing the vital records and other records for the continuity of efficiency and effectiveness of business operations and service delivery to the public which can foster the implementation of the Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011.

5.6.Suggestions of the areas for further study

This study is just the starting point for further more researches to be conducted about how the National Records and Archives Management Policy of 2011 is being implemented in Tanzanian public organizations, by which this study determined the implementation of only one of this policy’s objectives which is to ensure vital records protection in public offices for the Continuity of business operations and service operations. The researcher suggests the following areas to be researched by other researchers in the field of records management:

a.       On how the government ensures that the proper classification system for public records and archives is being implemented?

b.      What makes the government fails to review the Records and Archives Management Act of 2002?












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RATE (NO means absence and YES means the presence)

1.                   Presence of hardware to facilitate records access and use of vital records


2.                   Presence of software to support access and use of vital records


3.                   Presence of procedure manuals to the records managers to support vital records management




1.0.Does the PSSSF company contain the vital records and business recovery plans?

2.0.Who is responsible for approving the PSSSF’s vital records and business recovery plans?

3.0. Do standards and guidelines for managing vital records exist in the PSSSF company?

4.0. Does the government issue the standards and guidelines for implementing vital records and business recovery plans of the organization?

5.0.Do the vital records management’s standards and guidelines being considered in your company when managing vital records?

6.0.How do you manage the PSSSF’s vital records in accordance to the available standards and guidelines?



Dear respondents,

My name is JUMANNE JAMES, a student of Mzumbe University main campus located in Morogoro region pursuing a course known as the Bachelor of Public administration in Records and Archives Management (BPA-RAM). I am a third year student, and according to our university’s academic requirements I should conduct a research study on “VITAL RECORDS PROTECTION FOR THE CONTINUITY OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS AND SERVICE DELIVERY  IN TANZANIA” so that I can fit for the degree award from the university, so with regard to this requirement, every person who is concerned with records management within the Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF) who gets this document is kindly requested by the researcher to fill the questions outlined within this questionnaire.

This document should be applicable to every person who receives it and should be the one who is concerned with records management within the Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF) because the PSSSF company has been selected by the researcher to be the case study. This research questionnaire is concerned with the implementation of the records and archives management policy of 2011in protecting vital records by the public offices for the continuity of service delivery.

I extend my earnest gratitude to every respondent who is going to respond on my questionnaire positively by answering the questions contained in this document.


Under this part, the respondent should answer the questions by considering instructions indicated for each question:

For example:

a.       Are you aware with the presence of records and archives management policy of 2011 of Tanzania? (write yes or no).                                       NO    

1.      What is your highest level of academic qualification? (select the correct academic level below to which you belong)

a.       Higher education

b.      Diploma

c.       Certificate             (           )


2.      Which department do you belong in the PSSSF organization? (Write Briefly below the department where you belong, eg HRO, Registry & etc.) __________________________________________________________________________



1.      Does your office possess the vital records recovery plans?

  1. Yes
  2. No       (           )

2.      Who approves your company’s vital records and business recovery plans? (for example, government or other)

  1. Government
  2. Others like the board of trustees         (           )

3.      Does the government approve your company’s vital records and business recovery plans?

  1. Yes
  2. No       (           )



1.      Does the PSSSF company use standards and guidelines on managing vital record?

a.       Yes

b.      No (          )

2.      What are the standards and guidelines used by the PSSSF company to manage its vital records?

a.       _________________________________________________________________

b.      _________________________________________________________________

c.       _________________________________________________________________

d.      _________________________________________________________________

e.       _________________________________________________________________

3.      Do those standards and guidelines for vital records management at PSSSF issued by the government?

a.       Yes

b.      No             (           )

4.      Have the standards and guidelines issued by the government been considered in managing and implementing the vital records and business recovery plans at PSSSF?

a.       Yes

b.      No (          )

5.      What are the records management practices do you undertake in managing vital records as per standards and guidelines applicable in your company?

a.       __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b.      __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c.       __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d.      __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e.       __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

f.       __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.      What are the challenges or difficulties which makes you fail to consider the standards and guidelines issued by the government in managing vital records to insure vital records protection?

a.       __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b.      __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c.       __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d.      __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e.       __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.      What does the PSSSF company uses as the guidance in managing vital if there is no standards and guidelines from the government?

a.       ___________________________________________________________________

b.      ___________________________________________________________________

c.       ___________________________________________________________________

d.      ___________________________________________________________________

e.       ___________________________________________________________________


1.      Do the PSSSF’s vital records and business recovery plans includes the following? (Put a tick to an item which is available in your office or company)

  1. Provision of any necessary hardware (           )
  2. Provision of any necessary software   (           )
  3. Provision of procedure manuals          (           )


2.      At what rate does the provision of the necessary hardware/software/ procedure manuals help to facilitate the access and use of vital records within your company?

  1. Very helpful               
  2. Helpful
  3. Not helpful at all         (           )





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