THE CONTRIBUTION OF DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLAN IN PROTECTION OF                                                                     VITAL RECORD



























1.0.       Introduction. 5

1.1.       Background of the study. 5

1.2.       Statement of the Problem.. 6

1.3.       Objectives of the study. 7

1.3.1.        General objective. 7

1.3.2.        Specific objectives. 7

1.4.       Research Questions. 7

1.4.1.        General question. 7

1.4.2.        Specific questions. 7

1.5.       Significance of the study. 8

1.6.       Scope of the study. 8



2.0.       Introduction. 9

2.1.       Definition Of Key Terms. 9

2.2.       Theoretical review.. 10

2.2.1.        Records life cycle. 10

2.2.2.        Record continuum theory. 12

2.3.       Empirical review on Disaster preparedness Plan. 12

2.4.       Conceptual Frameworks. 13



3.0.       Introduction. 15

3.1.       Research design. 15

3.2.       Area of the Study. 15

3.3.       Population of the study. 15

3.3.       Sample size and sampling techniques. 16

3.3.1.        Sample size. 16

3.3.2.        Sampling techniques. 16         Simple random sampling. 17         Judgmental or purposive sampling. 18

3.4.       Data collection methods. 18

3.4.1.        Interview.. 18

3.4.2.        Questionnaire. 18

3.5.       Data Processing and Analysis. 19

3.5.1.        Qualitative analysis. 19

3.5.2.        Quantitative Data Analysis. 19

3.6.       Ethical Consideration. 20

3.7.       Reliability and Validity of Data Measurement 20

3.7.1.        Reliability. 20

3.7.2.        Validity of the study. 20



4.0.       Introduction. 21

4.1.       Demographic information of the respondents. 21

4.1.       Gender of the respondents. 22

4.2.       Departments of the respondents. 22

4.3.       Education levels of the respondents. 22

4.4.       Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita. 23

4.4.1.       Presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita. 23

Figure 4.1. Presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita. 24

4.4.2.       Components of the disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita. 24

4.2.3.       Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita. 26

4.5.       The contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization. 26

4.5.1.       The presence of the disaster preparedness team in the organization. 26

4.5.2.       Contribution of the disaster preparedness team at the TRA-Geita. 27

4.6.       The contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record at the TRA-Geita. 28



5.0.       Introduction. 29

5.1.       Demographic information of the respondents. 29

5.1.1.       Gender of the respondents. 29

5.1.2.       Departments of the respondents. 29

5.1.3.       Education levels of the respondents. 30

5.2.       Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita. 30

5.2.1.       Presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita. 31

5.2.2.       Components of the disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita. 31

4.2.4.       Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita. 32

5.3.       The contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization. 32

5.3.1.       The presence of the disaster preparedness team in the organization. 33

5.3.2.       Contribution of the disaster preparedness team at the TRA-Geita. 33

5.4.       The contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record at the TRA-Geita. 34



6.1.       Introduction. 36

6.2.       Summary of the study. 36

6.2.1.       Summary of methods and procedures. 36

6.2.2.       Summary of the findings. 36        Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita. 36        The contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization. 36        The contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record at the TRA-Geita. 37

6.3.       Conclusion. 37

6.4.       Recommendations of the study. 37

6.5.       Suggestion for further studies. 38










This chapter provides the background of the research problem, statement of the problem, research objectives, and research questions, significance of the study and scope of the study.

1.1.Background of the study

Disaster have plagued the world for many decades and they continue to increase in frequency, during the past20 years alone, disaster have killed at least three millions people worldwide and have affected 800 million more(sundness&Birnbaum,2003).up to the 1960s, there  were  increasing number of people and their essential resources are being affected by natural disasters. There was formulating  of different planning by governments and organizations that help society and reducing disaster risk is a core initiative plan, United Nation General Assembly done in 1960s highlighted the major disasters and achievements in disaster risk reduction in the world (United Nations 2020).

In 1971 UN formed United Nations Disaster Relief Office (UNDRO), the office conducted the following activities; prevention methods, control and prediction of natural disasters and providing advice to the Governments on pre-disaster planning and improving national disaster warning systems, In 1972 The General Assembly restates "the vital and importance records must be well protected, in order to reduce the impact of disasters (UN, 2020).


In   Africa content the mechanism for disaster risk reduction was formulated under the  African Union (AU), the New Partnership for Africa Development (NPAD) and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), however negotiated and approved by the African countries in 2004, The Implementation of the Africa Strategy was developed and adopted in 2005.(AU, 2019).The programme aimed at different issues such as, to reduce the social, economic and environmental impacts of disasters for African people and economics, increased public awareness of disaster risk reduction, improved governance of Disaster Risk Reduction, integration of disaster risk reduction DRR in emergency response management and overall  monitoring of the implementation of the Strategy (AU, 2019).

In Tanzania nation there was emergence of different disasters   which occur in different places and other public sector example fire, and earthquake at kagera region at2016 which affect some schools by damaging there vital record like ihungo secondary school was affected by such earthquake.

In the issue of disaster preparedness plan in Tanzania there is existence of disaster management act (2015) which elaborate much on the issue of protecting and ensuring vital record are safe in the public sector from disaster, the act explain the clear procedure to follow before, during and after disaster to be occurred in the organization so as to protect the vital for the existence of certain organization.

For Example section 4 of the disaster management act (2015), explains about the establishment of the disaster management agency known as the Tanzania Disaster Management Agency. the agency established to perform the different function such as Formulate policies and plans on all activities  related to disaster management in mainland,  act as the central planning, coordinating and monitoring institution for the prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and post disaster recovery, taking into account all potential disaster risks, mobilize resources for purpose of disaster management activities, provide education, knowledge and use of information technology in disaster management practices. The Disaster Management Act of (2015) in Tanzania became an important standing point to ensure the security and protection of vital records from being damaged by disasters like fire, floods, and electricity or system failure and earthquake, however still there is existence of different disaster in public sector.

1.2.Statement of the Problem

As it is well explained by UN, (2019) that “Disaster management plays a crucial role in records management in the public offices as it helps in protecting and securing vital records, so each public sector must have disaster  preparedness plan   for the purpose of protecting organizational  vital records from being damaged by disasters like fire, flood, earthquake and hacking Disaster  preparedness planning helps in effective management of records especially vital records which are essential to the organization operations.

However preparedness planning is there with the potentiality benefit, still some of the public sectors fail to implement it because of some limitations like, unawareness with disaster planning and inadequate support from top management. The absences of disaster planning can results to the loss of organizational vital records during the occurrence of disaster which cause organization failure. As explained by UN (2019) that “protecting records is critical in an emergency, especially vital records as they rely to re-construction of organization after the occurrence of an emergency. So this study intended to carry out the contribution of disaster preparedness plan in protection of vital record in the organization.


1.3. Objectives of the study

1.3.1.      General objective

The main objective of this study is to identify the contribution of disaster preparedness plan in protection of vital record

1.3.2.      Specific objectives

        i.            To assess the implementation of disaster preparedness plan during disaster

      ii.            To assess the contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization

    iii.            To identify the contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record

1.4. Research Questions

1.4.1.      General question

What are the contributions of disaster preparedness plan in protection of vital record in the organization?

1.4.2.      Specific questions

            i.            How disaster preparedness plan is implemented during disaster occurrence?

          ii.            What are the contributions of disaster preparedness team in the organization?

        iii.            What are the contributions of backup procedure in protection of vital record?

1.5.Significance of the study

The study was important for enabling record managers and other member in the organization to be aware in ensuring that vital record are protected well before, during and after occurrence of the disaster. Also the study intended to inform on the benefit of having disaster planning in the organization.

1.6. Scope of the study

This study based on the assessment of contribution of disasters preparedness plan in protection of vital record in public sector.

























2.0. Introduction

Literature review covers different academic ideas and reports which used as reference to my study, in this chapter there is theoretical literature review, empirical review and conceptual review

2.1. Definition Of Key Terms


According to (ISO 15489-1:2001) defines records as recorded information in any medium, created, received, and maintained, by an organization or person in the transaction or the conduct of affairs

Record management

Record management, as the field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control Management can be defined as an organization function devoted to management of information in an firm throughout its lifecycle from the time of creation or receipt to its final disposition.(ISO 15489-1:2001)

Vital record

Are those records which provide evidence of your organization’s assets and the rights of your customer,  when are destroyed must be recreated to resume essential business functions,  record which are vital  are different from other which are not vital, without vital records the organization cannot function or perform the daily rotten  job well (Przybyla, A. 2004).. Some examples of vital records are tax bills and receipts for the current year, property records, open contracts, active case files, and records of unfinished construction projects and payroll records (Przybyla. 2004).


This is an event that seriously disrupts the function of a community and causes human, materials, and economic or environmental losses that exceeded the community is or society's ability to cope using its own resource (IFRC 2021), there so many disasters some are natural cause but some are caused by human being theme selves such as vandalism, water, and hackers in electronic systems.

Disaster management

Involves education and training of officials, population, and all intervention teams as well as establishment of policies, guidance, standards, organizational arrangement and operational plans to be applied  when disaster event occur.(Quarantelli 1991).

Disaster preparedness

This is the slate of readiness to deal with a threatening disaster situation, disaster and the effects thereof; this refers to the pre mechanisms which are established to ensure that the fore coming disasters can be tackled and handled effectively to facilitate protection of the records from the damage which may be caused by the respective disasters.

2.2.Theoretical review

2.2.1.       Records life cycle

Sotta (2011:40) said that most scholars argue that records have lifecycle the same as the life cycle of living organisms. These scholars argue that records are born when created or received by organization. The records are considered to live when they move to active stage. During this time records are used to facilitate organizations business transactions. The records grow old when they reach semi- active stage. At this stage the records are maintained and retained for reference purpose. The records die at non- active stage. This is the time for the management to decide whether to destroy them as they are no longer useful or keep them in the archives as they could be useful later.







Figure 2.2 Implications of the Records Lifecycle Model




·         Office or file store


·          Archival Repository

·          Archivists

Appraisal and Disposal

·         Primary Value

Appraisal and Disposal

·         Secondary Value

Semi Current

·         Records Center

·         Records Managers

















Source: Scoott, 2011

2.2.2.       Record continuum theory

This theory was developed by Frank Upward in 1990’s; the theory is highly relating and relevant to the process of record management starting from the creation up to the disposition processes (Spiteri, 2012). According to this model it states that records are used for taking transactions, providing evidences and acting as the memory and should be managed by the collective approaches regardless of the retention time, records should be managed as logical rather than physically regardless of whether it is the paper or the electronic one and the record keeping should integrate the record keeping profession in to business and societal processes and purposes (IRMT, 1999). This model is very useful as it brings together the record managers under a united record keeping framework with different common goals of ensuring reliability, authenticity and the completeness of the records (Spiteri, 2012). And also, this theory is relevant in this study as it emphasis that the record managers should manage records properly with unity regardless of the format of the record, and this will help to reduces the problems of poor record keeping and defends the organizations from the poor records management including disposition of the records.

2.3.Empirical review on Disaster preparedness Plan

Philip (2018) conducted the study titled disaster preparedness and response capacity of regional hospital in Tanzania, a descriptive cross sectional study. The study aimed to assess the current state of disaster preparedness and response capacity Tanzanian Hospital, the study employed descriptive cross sectional survey and the data were collected by using structure questionnaire, the study found that hospitals disasters preparedness plan in Tanzania is at an early stage of development and important opportunities exist to better prepare regional hospitals to responds to disasters. The study succeeded to show the current status of the disaster preparedness plan among different hospitals in Tanzania but it doesn’t state on how disaster preparedness plan contribute to the protection of records, this gap will be filled by this study which elicits more data over the contribution of disaster preparedness plan towards protection of records.

Rajani (2016) conducted the study titled examination of the disaster management at jaguan University, the study aimed to make critical assessment of the possibly existing disasters at the jaguan University, the study employed exploratory research design and data were collected by using both interview and questionnaire and the sample which was used comprised of 70 respondents from the university. The findings indicated that there are different disasters which are likely to happen at Jaguan University, these are earthquakes, Floods, Fire breaks and theft. The study recommended that there should be critical measures to guarantee protection of the resources and data during disasters and one among the suggested methods was establishment of disaster preparedness plan. The study succeeded to make critical examination of the disasters which are likely to happen at Jaguan University but the study fails to shows us on how disaster preparedness plan help to ensure protection of records, this gap will be filled by this study which will show the contribution of disaster preparedness plan towards protection of the vital records.

Kethsana et al (2018) conducted the study titled Implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction and management Policies in a school setting in Lao PDR. The study aimed to clarify the present situation to inform better implementation strategies on disaster risk reduction and management in school setting focused on fires disasters in Lao PDR, the study employed case study research whereby Vientiane and five provinces were used to provide critical information for the study, the study employed 52 respondents who were interviewed  and 869 students were given questionnaires the findings reveals that poor policy implementation hindered effective disaster management at most of the public organization and fire was revealed to be the critical problem among the offices and the study recommended that there should be critical steps to ensure that public offices are strengthened over disasters and other risks. The study succeeded to show the way DRR is implemented but it fails to show how disaster preparedness plan contribute to protection of the records, this gap will be filled by this study which bases on the contribution of disaster preparedness plan on the protection of the vital records.

2.4. Conceptual Frameworks

The schematic diagram indicates the variables included in the study. The aim of the framework is to clarify concepts and propose relationship among the concepts in a study. Also it adopts that most of the organizations which copy with e- records management are more competent in performing their activities as illustrated in figure 2.2 a conceptual framework which presents the relationship between independent and dependent variables for the present study. The dependent variable is achieved by the presence and proper functioning of all the prescribed independent variables in relation to each category of the organization objectives. In this study independent variable is disaster preparedness plan while dependent variable is protection of records. This means that whenever there happen effective disaster preparedness plan stable protection of records happen while poor disaster preparedness plan lead to poor protection of vital records against disasters like fire, floods and theft as shown in the figure below

INDEPENDENT VARIABLE                                     DEPENDENT VARIABLE

Disaster preparedness plan

·         Proper preventive measures

·         Mitigation methods

·         Preparedness

·         Responses

·         Recovery

Protection of vital records against disasters like fire and floods








Source: Researcher own Construct 2022












3.0. Introduction

To achieve these objective the study employed different methodologies and styles, it comprises of research design, area of the study, population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, data collection methods, instrument for data collection, data analysis methods and ethical consideration.

3.1. Research design

This study employed case study research design which was TRA Geita, the study employed case study research design because of the following reasons which were to provide in-depth and detailed examination of a subject of study, as well as it’s related contextual conditions and to attain more experienced knowledge on the problem being studies.

3.2. Area of the Study

According to Kothari, (2004) defines area of the study as the area where the research was conducted and also shows the existing population in the area

This research was conducted at TRA in Geita. The researcher was decided to use Tanzania Revenue Authority organization because it was enough to collect more information relating to the study, also researcher decided to conduct a study at TRA Geita because it was a place where the field studies was conducted so it simplified  data collection. The study was conducted on the             field of disaster planning to records management, it focused much on the contribution of having effective disaster planning in the protection and effective management of vital records in the organization

3.3.Population of the study

Population refers to an aggregate of people, things or elements the researcher has in mind from which one can obtain information and draw conclusion. Best and Khan (1998:121) define population as a group of individuals who have characteristic in common that are of interest to the researcher. The target population for this study will include 30 TRA   employees working within organization from various departments including the, Accounts and Finance, Auditing, Human resource management and ICT Department.

3.3.Sample size and sampling techniques

3.3.1.      Sample size

 As it is a qualitative approach the study involved 24respondents from different department in TRA from 30 workers and the respondents were much enough for better answers of the study through interview and observation which were used to elicit data from these respondents as illustrated in table 3.3

Table 3.3 Number of Respondents






Department of domestic revenue




Senior Tax Management Officer




Senior Tax Officer




procurement department








Human Resource Office




Assistant Record Officer
















Source: Field data 2022.

3.3.2.      Sampling techniques

A Sampling is the process of drawing the subset from the people who are in the population so that the sub subset will be the representative of the whole population after the finding (Levy & Lameshow, 2013). As in this study, it is not easy to study the whole population containing the record management officials, human resource officials, and other public sector officials at TRA Geita due to time, financial and accuracy reasons, so the sample as the subset of the population was designed form which the generalization was drawn up. Sampling method or techniques, this can be regarded as the method which outline the way sample will be selected, there are different methods of sampling but all together can be grouped in to two main types which are probability and non probability sampling (Education Centre, 2020).

Probability sampling is also known as random or chance sampling technique which means that each element of the population has equal and positive chance of being selected (Kabir, 2016). This method is mainly used in the quantitative research as it aims to provide results which are representative of the whole population statically but it can be applied even in qualitative studies.  Through this method the researcher should have the assurance that the selected sample will truly represent the population as any member of the population can be chosen, its main target is to ensure that the sample is randomly selected from the population (Kabir, 2016). This group can have its other sub groups which are simple random probability sampling, systematic probability sampling, stratified probability sampling and cluster or multistage probability sampling (Levy & Lameshow, 2013). This technique was applied in this study so as to provide the unbiased presentation of the population and also the technique has been used due to the fact that the population was diverse comprising of different kinds of individuals hence the technique was used to reduce costs and promote accuracy of the findings.

Non probability sampling, is opposite of the probability sampling, in this group some elements of the group tend to have no or lower chance of being selected or chosen as the sample, it is the subjective and non-random technique of sampling where the selection of the elements for sample in the population rely on the personal judgments and discretion of the one who design the sample (Levy & Lameshow, 2013). Due to the fact that this study based on both qualitative and quantitative methods so, both probability sampling method and non-probability sampling method were used in the process of designing the sample for this study.

However, in both the two groups there are other sub groups within them so, in probability sampling the simple random probability sampling was used and judgmental or purposive sampling method was used in non probability sampling. random sampling

The study employed simple sampling technique to select a group of sample from a whole population, the study employed this technique so as to create equal and positive chance of each of the unit within the population to be selected as a sample of the study and remove bias towards the conduct of the study, also researcher decided to use this technique due to the fact that he has no enough knowledge over the population (McCombes, 2019). or purposive sampling

Refers to the method in which researcher select the sample according to his judgment and discretion while relating to the objective of his study or research, the method is often used in the qualitative studies for gaining the detailed knowledge about the phenomena (Creswell, 2014).

3.4. Data collection methods

This is the procedure of collecting, measuring and analyzing accurate findings for research using the appropriate techniques (Bhat, 2019). Basically there are different methods for data collection in the research project like interviews, questionnaires and survey, observations, documents and records and focus group discussion; however all these can be grouped to the primary and secondary data collection methods. This study will employ two methods which are interview and questionnaire.

3.4.1.      Interview

Interview is an accurate method of collecting data when there is need to collect in-depth data or information on people’s opinions, thoughts, experiences and feelings or when making research on the matters which needs the complex questioning (Easwaramoorthy & Zarinpoush, 2019). Interview can be structured or unstructured one, structured interview or standardized interview refers to an interview which applies an interview timetable which contains structured and the explainable questions that don’t allow room for going out of the topic in question (Coughlan, 2009).The reasons for using interview in this study include to gain detailed information about the contribution of preparedness plan towards protection of vital records, to gain experienced knowledge and information about the problem, interview is the best option which will provide accurate and reliable data over the problem.

3.4.2.      Questionnaire

This is the pieces of papers with the already-prepared questions given to the respondents to be answered, they consist a list of questions related to the topics which are used for gathering information or data concerning the topic (Kabir, 2017). Questionnaire can be categorized as open-ended questionnaire and closed ended questionnaire due to the questions asked (Dossetto, 2020). Open-ended questionnaire are the questions which don’t require set of reply from the respondents as they require the respondents to generate a response in their own words and to express it by action or in writing (Zull, 2016) while closed-ended questionnaire refers to the type of questionnaire which contains question which require set of reply from respondents like answering yes or no, choosing from multiple choices. Reasons for employing the questionnaire in the study include to get huge information over the contribution of disaster preparedness plan over protection of vital records in a minimum possible time, to provide average chance for many respondents to participate to the study over the contribution of disaster preparedness plan over protection of vital records, to save costs and ensures accuracy in data collection over the contribution of disaster preparedness plan over protection of vital records

3.5.Data Processing and Analysis

In this study different data analysis methods will be involved and both qualitative and quantitative techniques.

3.5.1.      Qualitative analysis

The analysis of the data which were collected by using interview will be analyzed by using thematic data analysis. In this study the deductive approach of the thematic data analysis method will be used in analyzing the data which have been collected by using the interview as there is some knowledge about the contribution of record management on anti corruption, researcher decided to use this technique in order to have the flexibility in an interpretation of the data obtained, and because the study involves large amount of data which then cannot easily be sorted. This technique will be used to promote sorting process of the data in to broader themes, so the findings were sorted accordingly in to broader themes and this facilitated analysis of the data.  In this study the qualitative method will be used because the researcher expects to use the questionnaire and interview so that the qualitative method is expected to be used in this study for better also are used through coding

3.5.2.      Quantitative Data Analysis

In this study descriptive data analysis method will be used, the method will analyze the data by describing, and coding them and coming up with the conclusion over the data collected to the whole population particularly form the questionnaires (Robson, 2011). Tables and statistical charts will be employed to describe and present the quantitative data supported by the computer software, spread sheet.

3.6. Ethical Consideration

The study will maintain ethical guidelines and principles to protect the rights and welfare of people and institutions that will be the source of information of this study. The researcher also was avoiding misrepresentation, harming, violation of participants’ rights and protecting their privacy. This was done through an informing the consent as well as asking the participants to fill in and signing the consent form before the study to be carried out whereby participants was being informed of the nature and purpose of the research as suggested by Creswell (2003).

3.7.Reliability and Validity of Data Measurement

3.7.1.      Reliability

In this study the researcher will promote reliability of the data through employing multiple methods of colleting the data, this technique is referred to as triangulation. The researcher will use questionnaire and interview to collect data and hence this will provide trustworthiness and reliability of the findings which will be raised by this study. Triangulation method involves using multiple data sources in an investigation to produce detailed understanding about the concepts. These two methods will be important in research as they have a great influence on the nature of results and hence conclusions that will be made regarding the research findings.

3.7.2.      Validity of the study

This study will help to explore more experiences and understanding over the contribution of disaster preparedness plan towards protection of vital records, this will enable the public offices to be aware on ensuring that they formulate and establish proper disaster preparedness plans for not only their vital records but also their whole systems of records management. The study will explore the relationship between the backup systems and the disaster preparedness plan and management, the study will suit emergency teams towards understanding the importance of their knowledge towards survival of their organization as they facilitate protection of the vital records which acts as the base and pillar of the organization.







This chapter brings the presentation of findings on the data collected based on the contribution of disaster preparedness plan in protection of vital record at the case of TRA- Geita. The study had three specific objectives which were; to assess the implementation of disaster preparedness plan during disaster, to assess the contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization, and to identify the contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record. The presentation of findings has been made per every specific objectives after the presentation of the demographic information of the respondents.

4.1.Demographic information of the respondents

This section brings the presentation of the biographic data of the respondents which were gathered by the study, they include the gender of the respondents, department distribution of the respondents, and the education levels of the respondents.

Table 4.1. Demographic data of the respondents at the TRA- Geita





Percentages (%)


Gender of the respondents
















Human resource administration
























Education levels

Higher education













Source: Research data, (2022)

4.1.Gender of the respondents

Gender is an important aspect to be considered when conducting the research studies because all types of gender are very important in decision making and can equally affect the decision making if all of them are equally involved in decision making in the organization (Cara, 2016). From the table above, the data shows that about 4 (13.33%) respondents of the study were female in gender while about 26 (86.67%) respondents were male in gender. By considering these data, it has been found that there is large number of male respondents as compared to the number of the female respondents, hence this proves that the  male gender have a great influence in decision making at TRA-Geita due to the presence of large number of males than females as supported by Cara, (2016) who argues that all genders are very important in decision making and they equally affect decision making process if they are equally involved in the process of decision making.

4.2.Departments of the respondents

It is very crucial to consider the department distribution of the people who are expected to be the respondents of the study so that when you selecting respondents it becomes easy to ensure equality in selecting members of the sample so that accurate representation if departments is attained in the sample (Kabir, 2018).  By considering the table above, the findings show that, about 9 (30%) respondents were belonging to the Human Resource Administration department, about 3(10%) respondents were belonging to the Custom department, while about 8(26.67%) respondents were belonging to the IST department, lastly about 10 (30%) respondents were belonging at the DRD department. From these data, it seems that the department that had a highest number of employees is the DRD department because it allowed a large number of the employees of about 10(30%) to be selected as the sample to represent the department in the study. Hence this proves the equal representation of the departments in the sample as supported by Kabir, (2018). 

4.3.Education levels of the respondents

It is important the education levels of the respondents from which the data are collected by the study because the education levels influence the way respondents can respond and provide data to the researcher, the higher the education level the greater the capacity of logical understanding and providing relevant data and vice versa is true (Barro, et al, 2001). From the table above, the data shows that about 21(70%) respondents at the TRA-Geita had pursued the higher education level which include bachelor degree and master degree, while about 7 (23.33%) respondents had also pursued the diploma education level, and lastly about 2 (6.67%) respondents were still belonging to the certificate education level. From those data, it has been discovered the largest number of the respondents had pursued the higher education level hence, they were expected by the researcher to provide the most accurate data because of their higher education level as supported by the work of Baro, et al; (2001)

4.4.Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita

The first objective of this study was to assess the implementation of disaster preparedness plan during disaster. Any organization must have a records management disaster preparedness plan in order to ensure that it can revamp its normal operations after a disaster hit it, a sound disaster preparedness plan must contain about nine components which are; assessment of the vulnerability, planning, institutional framework, systems for information, base of resources, systems for warning, mechanisms for response, education and training to the staff, lastly is rehearsals (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2000). In order to answer this objective, a researcher applied questionnaire method to assess the presence of the disaster preparedness plan, the components of the disaster preparedness plan, and the implementation of those components as shown below.

4.4.1.      Presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita

This is the first subsection of the first objective, according to International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000), any organization must have a records management disaster preparedness plan in order to ensure that it can revamp its normal operations after a disaster hit it. In order to know if this practice exists at the TRA-Geita, the respondents were asked through questionnaire that “do you have a disaster preparedness plan in your organization? Here they were supposed to say YES or NO. The following are the data obtained concerning this Presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita.

The data obtained show that about 28 (93%) acknowledged the presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita while about 2 (7%) respondents did acknowledge the presence of the disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita. These data have been presented below as follows:

Table 4.2. Presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita



Percentage (%)







Source: Field data, (2022)

The following pie chart depicts the percentages on the responses of the respondents towards the presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA- Geita.

Figure 4.1. Presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita


4.4.2.      Components of the disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita

The second subsection of the first objective aimed to discover the components of the disaster preparedness plan applicable at TRA-Geita since the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000) argues that a sound disaster preparedness plan must contain about nine components which are; assessment of the vulnerability, planning, institutional framework, systems for information, base of resources, systems for warning, mechanisms for response, education and training to the staff, lastly is rehearsals. The respondents were asked through questionnaire to indicate the components of their organization’s disaster preparedness plan, the following were the data obtained.

Currently, the data obtained showed that various components of the disaster preparedness plans exist at TRA-Geita including the vulnerability assessment which was mentioned by 10 (35.71%) respondents, Organization framework on disaster preparedness which was mentioned by          5 (17.67%) respondents, Resources for disaster preparedness  which was mentioned by 4(12.33%) respondents, Warning systems which was mentioned by 1(3.60%) respondent, lastly is Response systems which was mentioned by 12(43%) respondents. These data have been presented below as follows:

Table 4.3. Components of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita

Component of the disaster preparedness plan


Percentages (%)

Vulnerability assessment



Organization framework on disaster preparedness



Resources for disaster preparedness



Warning systems



Response systems



Source: Research data, (2022)

The following bar chart depicts the visual positions of the responses of the respondents towards the components of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA- Geita.

Source: Research data, (2022)


4.2.3.      Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita

This is the last subsection of the first objective, this subsection aimed to know whether the discovered components of the disaster preparedness plan of the TRA-Geita are being implement or not since the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000) argues that the disaster preparedness plan can be implemented through implementing its components. To achieve this, the respondents were asked through questionnaire to rate the status of implementation of the mentioned components of the disaster preparedness plan, here they were supposed to rate the implementation of the plan by saying whether Poor, Good, very good or excellent. Currently, the findings show that the about 10 (35.71%) respondents rated by saying excellent, 6 (21.42%) respondents rated by saying very good, while about 10 (35.71%) respondents said good, and about 2(7.14%) respondents said poor on the implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita.

Table 4.4. Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita

Rate of implementation


Percentages (%)







Very good






Source: Research data, (2022)

4.5.The contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization

The second objective of this study was to assess the contribution of the disaster preparedness team in the organization. A researcher had a prior understanding that there are various contributions which can be brought by having the disaster preparedness team including the reduction of the potential losses from disasters, assurance of appropriate assistance to the disaster victims, as well as having quick recovery from disasters (Warfield, 2022). In order to gain more understanding on the presence of any contribution from the disaster preparedness team, a researcher applied a questionnaire method by which the first issue was to assess the presence of the disaster preparedness team at TRA-Geita as shown below.

4.5.1.      The presence of the disaster preparedness team in the organization

The first subsection of the second objective was to know the presence of the disaster preparedness team at the TRA-Geita because in order for any organization to enjoy any contribution from the disaster preparedness team it must ensure that it has developed a well-organized disaster preparedness team (Warfield, 2022). To achieve this, the respondents were asked through questionnaire method to agree by saying YES or disagreeing by saying NO on the question which asked that, does the organization has the disaster preparedness team? The data obtained shown that all respondents were aware with the presence of the disaster preparedness team as about 28 (100%) respondents acknowledged the presence of the disaster preparedness team at TRA-Geita by saying Yes while no respondents who did not acknowledge the presence of the disaster preparedness plan, these data have been properly presented below:

Table 4.5. Presence of the disaster preparedness team

Response on the presence of disaster preparedness team


Percentages (%)







Source: Research data, (2022)

4.5.2.      Contribution of the disaster preparedness team at the TRA-Geita

The last subsection of the second objective of the study was to assess the presence of any contribution of the disaster preparedness team at the TRA-Geita. According to various works done by various researchers, it has been acknowledged that there are various contributions which can be brought by having the disaster preparedness team including the reduction of the potential losses from disasters, assurance of appropriate assistance to the disaster victims, as well as having quick recovery from disasters (Warfield, 2022). In the previous subsection it was discovered that the disaster preparedness team existed at TRA-Geita. Hence, in order to know if there are any contributions resulting from the disaster preparedness team, the respondents were asked to mention any contributions which have been resulted from having the disaster preparedness team. The data show that the team has two major contributions which are; bringing the reduced chances of losing important records of the organization, this was mentioned by 28 (100%) respondents, and assurance to the continuity of the business activities at TRA was also mentioned by 10 (35.71%) respondents.

Table 4.6. Contribution of having the disaster preparedness team at TRA-Geita

Contribution of the disaster preparedness team



Reduced chances of losing important records



Continuity of business operations



Source: Research Data, (2022)

4.6.The contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record at the TRA-Geita

The second objective of the study was to identify the contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record. According to various authors, having a backup procedures in protecting vital records can enable the organization to have a quick access to its records, protection against power failures, having an antivirus protection, having quick recovery in case of emergency, and having sufficient protection against hard drive failure if using computer systems (Walker, 2021). The data were collected from the respondents through interview by which about two respondents were interviewed. The respondents were asked that; what are the contribution of having a backup procedures of vital records at the TRA-Geita? Two major contributions were mentioned by those interviewee including; having quick recovery from disasters and having easy retrieval of vital records when needed. These were discovered from the following quotations.

a.      Having quick recovery from disasters

In responding to the interview question, one respondent mentioned this as one of the contribution of the backup procedure in protecting the vital records at the TRA-Geita, this was proved when he said that; “The majority of computers crashes occur caused by Operating System (OS) failures and there are numerous reasons that may cause the crashing of the OS but by having backup procedures it has been easy to recover the vital records here at TRA-Geita”

b.      Having easy retrieval of vital records

Another interviewee mentioned this as an advantage of having the backup system on the vital records protection by which the respondent was quoted saying that; “One of the greatest thing about backing up data is the ease at which you are able to retrieve vital records files and information as when you backup data you have an ability to access specific files in seconds”









This chapter brings the discussion of findings on the data presented in the previous chapter based on the contribution of disaster preparedness plan in protection of vital record at the case of TRA- Geita. The study had three specific objectives which were; to assess the implementation of disaster preparedness plan during disaster, to assess the contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization, and to identify the contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record. The discussion of findings has been made per every specific objectives.

5.1.Demographic information of the respondents

This section brings the discussion of the biographic data of the respondents which were gathered by the study, they include the gender of the respondents, department distribution of the respondents, and the education levels of the respondents.

5.1.1.      Gender of the respondents

Gender is an important aspect to be considered when conducting the research studies because all types of gender are very important in decision making and can equally affect the decision making if all of them are equally involved in decision making in the organization (Cara, 2016). From the table above, the data shows that about 4 (13.33%) respondents of the study were female in gender while about 26 (86.67%) respondents were male in gender. By considering these data, it has been found that there is large number of male respondents as compared to the number of the female respondents, hence this proves that the  male gender have a great influence in decision making at TRA-Geita due to the presence of large number of males than females as supported by Cara, (2016) who argues that all genders are very important in decision making and they equally affect decision making process if they are equally involved in the process of decision making.

5.1.2.      Departments of the respondents

It is very crucial to consider the department distribution of the people who are expected to be the respondents of the study so that when you selecting respondents it becomes easy to ensure equality in selecting members of the sample so that accurate representation if departments is attained in the sample (Kabir, 2018).  By considering the table above, the findings show that, about 9 (30%) respondents were belonging to the Human Resource Administration department, about 3(10%) respondents were belonging to the Custom department, while about 8(26.67%) respondents were belonging to the IST department, lastly about 10 (30%) respondents were belonging at the DRD department. From these data, it seems that the department that had a highest number of employees is the DRD department because it allowed a large number of the employees of about 10(30%) to be selected as the sample to represent the department in the study. Hence this proves the equal representation of the departments in the sample as supported by Kabir, (2018). 

5.1.3.      Education levels of the respondents

It is important the education levels of the respondents from which the data are collected by the study because the education levels influence the way respondents can respond and provide data to the researcher, the higher the education level the greater the capacity of logical understanding and providing relevant data and vice versa is true (Barro, et al, 2001). From the table above, the data shows that about 21(70%) respondents at the TRA-Geita had pursued the higher education level which include bachelor degree and master degree, while about 7 (23.33%) respondents had also pursued the diploma education level, and lastly about 2 (6.67%) respondents were still belonging to the certificate education level. From those data, it has been discovered the largest number of the respondents had pursued the higher education level hence, they were expected by the researcher to provide the most accurate data because of their higher education level as supported by the work of Baro, et al; (2001)

5.2.Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita

The first objective of this study was to assess the implementation of disaster preparedness plan during disaster. Any organization must have a records management disaster preparedness plan in order to ensure that it can revamp its normal operations after a disaster hit it, a sound disaster preparedness plan must contain about nine components which are; assessment of the vulnerability, planning, institutional framework, systems for information, base of resources, systems for warning, mechanisms for response, education and training to the staff, lastly is rehearsals (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2000). In order to know whether the disaster preparedness plan is being implemented at the TRA-Geita, a researcher assessed various aspects as shown in the subsections below.

5.2.1.      Presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita

This is the first subsection of the first objective, according to International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000), any organization must have a records management disaster preparedness plan in order to ensure that it can revamp its normal operations after a disaster hit it. Currently the findings show that that about 28 (93%) respondents acknowledged the presence of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita while about 2 (7%) respondents did acknowledge the presence of the disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita. Hence, these findings imply that the disaster preparedness plan is in existence at the TRA-Geita since the highest percentage of the respondents acknowledge the presence of the disaster preparedness. These findings are in support with the work done by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000) which argues that any organization must have its own disaster preparedness plan in order to ensure that it can revamp its normal operations after a disaster hit it.

5.2.2.      Components of the disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita

The second subsection of the first objective aimed to discover the components of the disaster preparedness plan applicable at TRA-Geita since the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000) argues that a sound disaster preparedness plan must contain about nine components which are; assessment of the vulnerability, planning, institutional framework, systems for information, base of resources, systems for warning, mechanisms for response, education and training to the staff, lastly is rehearsals. The respondents were asked through questionnaire to indicate the components of their organization’s disaster preparedness plan, the following were the data obtained.

Currently, the data obtained showed that various components of the disaster preparedness plans exist at TRA-Geita including the vulnerability assessment which was mentioned by 10 (35.71%) respondents, Organization framework on disaster preparedness which was mentioned by          5 (17.67%) respondents, Resources for disaster preparedness  which was mentioned by 4(12.33%) respondents, Warning systems which was mentioned by 1(3.60%) respondent, lastly is Response systems which was mentioned by 12(43%) respondents. These findings reveal that the widely known component of disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita is the response system which was mentioned by highest number of the respondents while the component which is somehow not common to many respondents was the warning systems which was mentioned by only one respondent. Hence these findings also correspond to the work done by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000) which propose that a sound disaster preparedness plan must contain about nine components which are; assessment of the vulnerability, planning, institutional framework, systems for information, base of resources, systems for warning, mechanisms for response, education and training to the staff, lastly is rehearsals

4.2.4.      Implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita

This is the last subsection of the first objective, this subsection aimed to know whether the discovered components of the disaster preparedness plan of the TRA-Geita are being implement or not since the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000) argues that the disaster preparedness plan can be implemented through implementing its components. To achieve this, the respondents were asked through questionnaire to rate the status of implementation of the mentioned components of the disaster preparedness plan, here they were supposed to rate the implementation of the plan by saying whether Poor, Good, very good or excellent. Currently, the findings show that the about 10 (35.71%) respondents rated by saying excellent, 6 (21.42%) respondents rated by saying very good, while about 10 (35.71%) respondents said good, and about 2(7.14%) respondents said poor on the implementation of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita. By considering these findings, it can be understood that the highest percentage of the respondents acknowledge that the implementation of the components of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita is at a very good state. These findings correspond to the work done by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000) which propose that the disaster preparedness plan can be implemented through implementing its components.

5.3.The contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization

The second objective of this study was to assess the contribution of the disaster preparedness team in the organization. A researcher had a prior understanding that there are various contributions which can be brought by having the disaster preparedness team including the reduction of the potential losses from disasters, assurance of appropriate assistance to the disaster victims, as well as having quick recovery from disasters (Warfield, 2022). In order to gain more understanding on the contribution of the disaster preparedness team in the organization, two subsections were developed and assessed as shown below.

5.3.1.      The presence of the disaster preparedness team in the organization

The first subsection of the second objective was to know the presence of the disaster preparedness team at the TRA-Geita because in order for any organization to enjoy any contribution from the disaster preparedness team it must ensure that it has developed a well-organized disaster preparedness team (Warfield, 2022). To achieve this, the respondents were asked through questionnaire method to agree by saying YES or disagreeing by saying NO on the question which asked that, does the organization has the disaster preparedness team? The data obtained shown that all respondents were aware with the presence of the disaster preparedness team as about 28 (100%) respondents acknowledged the presence of the disaster preparedness team at TRA-Geita by saying Yes while no respondents who did not acknowledge the presence of the disaster preparedness plan, these findings imply that the TRA-Geita has its own disaster preparedness team as the highest number of the respondents agreed on the presence of the disaster preparedness team in the organization. These findings corresponds directly to the work done by Warfield, (2022) who argued that in order for any organization to enjoy any contribution from the disaster preparedness team it must ensure that it has developed a well-organized disaster preparedness team hence, a researcher found that the TRA-Geita was in good position to enjoy the great contribution of having the disaster preparedness team as it has its own team.

5.3.2.      Contribution of the disaster preparedness team at the TRA-Geita

The last subsection of the second objective of the study was to assess the presence of any contribution of the disaster preparedness team at the TRA-Geita. According to various works done by various researchers, it has been acknowledged that there are various contributions which can be brought by having the disaster preparedness team including the reduction of the potential losses from disasters, assurance of appropriate assistance to the disaster victims, as well as having quick recovery from disasters (Warfield, 2022). In the previous subsection it was discovered that the disaster preparedness team existed at TRA-Geita. Hence, in order to know if there are any contributions resulting from the disaster preparedness team, the respondents were asked to mention any contributions which have been resulting from having the disaster preparedness team. The data show that the team has two major contributions which are; bringing the reduced chances of losing important records of the organization, this was mentioned by 28 (100%) respondents, and assurance to the continuity of the business activities at TRA was also mentioned by 10 (35.71%) respondents. These findings imply that as noted in the previous subsection that the TRA-Geita is in good position to enjoy a lot of benefits from having the disaster preparedness team, the most common benefit of having the disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita include the reduced chance of losing records as well as improved assurance of business continuity in case of emergency. These findings are in support with the work done by Warfield, (2022) who argued that that there are various contributions which can be brought by having the disaster preparedness team including the reduction of the potential losses from disasters, assurance of appropriate assistance to the disaster victims, as well as having quick recovery from disasters

5.4.The contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record at the TRA-Geita

The second objective of the study was to identify the contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record. According to various authors, having a backup procedures in protecting vital records can enable the organization to have a quick access to its records, protection against power failures, having an antivirus protection, having quick recovery in case of emergency, and having sufficient protection against hard drive failure if using computer systems (Walker, 2021). The data were collected from the respondents through interview by which about two respondents were interviewed. The respondents were asked that; what are the contribution of having a backup procedures of vital records at the TRA-Geita? Two major contributions were mentioned by those interviewee including; having quick recovery from disasters and having easy retrieval of vital records when needed. These were discovered from the following quotations.

c.       Having quick recovery from disasters

In responding to the interview question, one respondent mentioned this as one of the contribution of the backup procedure in protecting the vital records at the TRA-Geita, this was proved when he said that; “The majority of computers crashes occur caused by Operating System (OS) failures and there are numerous reasons that may cause the crashing of the OS but by having backup procedures it has been easy to recover the vital records here at TRA-Geita”

d.      Having easy retrieval of vital records

Another interviewee mentioned this as an advantage of having the backup system on the vital records protection by which the respondent was quoted saying that; “One of the greatest thing about backing up data is the ease at which you are able to retrieve vital records files and information as when you backup data you have an ability to access specific files in seconds”

These findings imply that the TRA-Geita has been enjoying two major benefits from having the backup procedures for the protection of its vital records including the having quick retrieval of its vital information as well as having quick recovery of information in case of emergency. These findings agree to the work done by Walker, (2021) who argues that having a backup procedures in protecting vital records can enable the organization to have a quick access to its records, protection against power failures, having an antivirus protection, having quick recovery in case of emergency, and having sufficient protection against hard drive failure if using computer systems.
























This chapter brings the summary of the study, conclusion and recommendations of the study which was conducted based on the contribution of disaster preparedness plan in protection of vital record a case of TRA- Geita.

6.2.Summary of the study

6.2.1.      Summary of methods and procedures

This study was conducted based on the contribution of disaster preparedness plan in protection of vital record a case of TRA- Geita. The study applied the case study design by which the TRA- Geita was selected as a case study, the study’s sample was selected through probability and non-probability sampling techniques. The data were collected through questionnaire and interview methods, the data were analyzed and presented through qualitative and quantitative techniques.

6.2.2.      Summary of the findings

The study had three specific objectives which were to assess the implementation of disaster preparedness plan during disaster, to assess the contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization, to identify the contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital records. The summary of findings have been made per each objective as shown below. of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita

By considering the findings, it can be understood that the highest percentage of the respondents acknowledge that the implementation of the components of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita is at a very good state. These findings correspond to the work done by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, (2000) which propose that the disaster preparedness plan can be implemented through implementing its components. contribution of disaster preparedness team in the organization

The TRA-Geita is in good position to enjoy a lot of benefits from having the disaster preparedness team, the most common benefit of having the disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita include the reduced chance of losing records as well as improved assurance of business continuity in case of emergency. These findings are in support with the work done by Warfield, (2022) who argued that that there are various contributions which can be brought by having the disaster preparedness team including the reduction of the potential losses from disasters, assurance of appropriate assistance to the disaster victims, as well as having quick recovery from disasters. contribution of backup procedure in protection of vital record at the TRA-Geita

The findings imply that the TRA-Geita has been enjoying two major benefits from having the backup procedures for the protection of its vital records including the having quick retrieval of its vital information as well as having quick recovery of information in case of emergency. These findings agree to the work done by Walker, (2021) who argues that having a backup procedures in protecting vital records can enable the organization to have a quick access to its records, protection against power failures, having an antivirus protection, having quick recovery in case of emergency, and having sufficient protection against hard drive failure if using computer systems.


The highest percentage of the respondents acknowledge that the implementation of the components of the disaster preparedness plan at TRA-Geita is at a very good state

The TRA-Geita is in good position to enjoy a lot of benefits from having the disaster preparedness team, the most common benefit of having the disaster preparedness plan at the TRA-Geita include the reduced chance of losing records as well as improved assurance of business continuity in case of emergency.

Two major benefits are being enjoyed by the TRA-Geita from having the backup procedures for the protection of its vital records including the having quick retrieval of its vital information as well as having quick recovery of information in case of emergency.

6.4.Recommendations of the study

By considering the findings, the study recommends the following:

The TRA-Geita has to keep on implementing its disaster preparedness plan in order to maintain its good implementation status as discovered by the study.

The TRA-Geita has to keep on implementing its disaster preparedness plan in order to enjoy other more contributions in its operations because the disaster preparedness plan is rich of benefits.

Also the TRA-Geita has to keep on implementing its backup procedures because it has been enjoying a lot of benefits from it in protecting vital records.

6.5.           Suggestion for further studies

The study suggests the following areas to be researched by future researchers because this study did not cover them.

a.       On how the government ensures that the proper classification system for public records and archives is being implemented?

b.      What makes the government fails to review the Records and Archives Management Act of 2002?
















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