1) Can you tell us about your background


In order to attempt this question successful, you must do the following:

a. Mention your name, age, where you’re born and your current residence.

b. Provide your academic background from primary school to university.

c. Provide your professional experience by mentioning all institutions which you have worked with, remember to say thank you.

2) Mention six duties of RMA.


a. Handling all incoming mails.

b. To prepare all outgoing mails for dispatch

c. Tracking file movement.

d. Retrieving files needed by action officers for use

e. Appraising and disposing all outdated files

f.   Filing documents.

3) Mention seven ethics of public servant


The following are the ethics of a public servant of the United Republic of Tanzania:

a. Respect all Human Rights and be courteous

b. Diligence

c. Promote teamwork

d. Pursue of excellence in service

e. Promote transparency and accountability

f.   Maintain political neutrality

g. Respect laws.

h.Integrity in discharging duties.

4) What are the stages of records life circle, explain briefly.


There are four stages of records life cycle which are:

a. Creation stage

b. Active stage

c. Semi-active stage

d. Non-active stage

5) What are the three ways of preserving record, explain them shortly:


What is preservation?

Preservation encompasses the activities which prolong the usable life of archival records. These activities include:

a. Controlling environment: providing a stable environment for records of all media types, 

b. Using safe handling and storage methods, 

c. Duplicating unstable materials (e.g. nitrate film, thermofax) to a stable media, Photocopying potentially fragile materials into a usable format (e.g. microfilming or digitization), 

d. Proper storage: can be done by storing records in housings made from stable materials (for example, document boxes made from "acid-free" paperboard), 

e. Repairing documents to maintain their original format, 

f. Establishing a pest control program and 

g. Instituting a disaster recovery plan, this includes plans for emergency preparedness and response.

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